Monday, June 30, 2014

June Instagram Challenge

Today is the last day of June and that means we are halfway done with 2014. What!?!?  In some ways this first half of the year has flown by and in others it has dragged on and on.  So what's been going on in June?  It was a busy month! We celebrated Henry's birthday, the last day of school, and went swimming. We've done some chores, had a blast at Vacation Bible School, and sent Frances to her first overnight camp for a week. I celebrated 13 years with Ken, got a new bike, and snuck out of the house for a late night dessert. All in all it's been a great month and here are some pictures to go along with it!

Henry's birthday shirt.
Post-birthday-swim pizza in Grandma's hotel bed!

He's 6'10". I'm...not!

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