Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Instagram Highlights from May

I didn't do as well with the #fmsphotoaday prompts for May as I did in April, but I still took a good amount of pictures. I plan on sticking with the challenge in future months and forgiving myself instantly if I don't get all the prompts taken care of.

For your viewing pleasure this not-so-wordless Wednesday, I present my favorite pictures from May:

Brothers after a soccer game. For the record, while I was posting this picture (moments after it was taken) Benjamin punched Henry in the stomach for "being too close to him."

I love capturing my kids walking home from school or church.

We've had some progress in the garden. Not much, but it's still early.

Frances' ballet recital on Mother's Day weekend. She did quite well and look beautiful!

The prompt was "lines" and I love the way this rainy day looked when I got in my van.

Henry found these robin's egg shells on the way home from school one afternoon. He looked all over for the nest, but he couldn't find it.

You can find me on Instagram. I'd love to connect with you there.

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