Monday, June 9, 2014

Henry's Super Seven Birthday Bash

Yesterday my mid-kid turned seven. He woke up excited about the day and it only got better from there!!  He had asked for a Super Hero theme and I had not been surprised. He's been pretty into the Super Hero thing lately. He also likes dogs, so that's why he got a dog-themed birthday shirt. That and the fact that the fabric store didn't have any good Super Hero fabric.

Henry had a blast at his birthday party!!

From the special friends that joined us

to the fun presents

to the super cool Iron Man birthday cake

it was a big hit.

Then, because our motto is "go big or go home" (not really, we don't have a motto, and if we didn't that wouldn't be it!) we went to my mom's hotel to let the kids swim.

The evening ended with leftover pizza in the hotel bed with cartoons.

Then we went home and put three very tired, very satisfied, very special kids to bed.

Happy birthday, sweet boy!

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