Tuesday, May 27, 2014

#TuesdayTen: 2014 Summer Bucket List

Happy Tuesday! I hope you enjoyed the long weekend if you were fortunate enough to have one. We got a bunch of housework done, Ken and I had the chance to go out for dinner with some friends, and on Monday we went berry picking at the strawberry patch. It was a great weekend with great weather and we are very thankful.
It seems like the perfect intro to this week's #TuesdayTen list. WIth the unofficial start of summer behind us, it is a great time to put together a bucket list for Summer 2014! If it looks similar to the list I posted last year that's because I'm a creature of habit!

  1. Vacation-We don't have a lot of vacation stuff planned this year, but we are going to the beach with Ken's family for part of a week.
  2. Camping-Benjamin has never been camping. We tried a year or two ago, by pitching a tent in the backyard, but he was too squirrely and I ended up bringing him inside so Ken and the other two could sleep. I feel like Ken misses a lot of these milestones because of his work schedule, so I'm really hoping we can take the kids camping together this summer.
  3. BBQ-I am fortunate that Ken enjoys cooking and does so at least two to three times a week. In the summer it's probably more often because he loves to grill! I have no problem reliquishing that task.
  4. Fireflies-I am noticing lately that we are less and less tied to naptimes and bedtimes as our youngest has gotten older. It's still a good idea to keep up with those routines, but the fallout is nowhere near as bad as it used to be if we miss a nap or stay up late. I am really looking forward to nice nights, under the stars, filling jars with fireflies.
  5. Water play-I'm actually not a huge fan of swimming. It's mostly due to Ken's work schedule because there is no way I'm taking three kids to the pool by myself. However, summer time is perfect for sprinkler time in the front yard and the kids LOVE that!
  6. Summer Camps-I work year-round, so for the past few years the kids have done what I call "camp hopping" for the summer. There is a pretty good variety of summer camps offered around here and a few near my parents that Henry and Frances take advantage of. It's cheaper than enolling them for summer care at a local day care, and more interesting as well. They get to do something different every week and that keeps their interest. This summer, Frances is even going to her first sleep-away camp!
  7. Hiking-Another activity Ken loves to do is hiking. I'm hoping we can get in some nice family hikes this summer. He usually doesn't have Saturdays off, but Sundays are more likely and a flexible church schedule makes them more possible.
  8. Summer food-I have a huge list of foods that I look forward to every summer! Veggies from our garden, fresh fruits like peaches and watermelon, cucumber soup, potato salad, S'mores, etc. Bring it on!!
  9. Outside time-I've compared myself to a cat before, but in all honesty I wonder if I am more reptilian in nature. I'm not cold-blooded in the sense that I am cruel or heartless, but I really do thrive on sunshine. There have been a few times lately that I've just gone outside to sit in the sun for a few minutes to recharge. I am really looking forward to more time in the sun this summer!
  10. Clean out the basement-OK, this one isn't necessarily fun, but it sure is important! I recently did the seasonal clothing swap for ths kids, but I haven't finished taking all the "not right now" clothes back downstairs. It leaves a nice open area in the basement that is motivating me to get organized down there, so I don't lose the spacious look when I do get the bins back down there.
How about you? Do you have big plans this summer? Or even small plans that you are really looking forward to? Share with us in your own Summer bucket list or tell me in the comments.

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