Monday, April 28, 2014

Happy Birthday Benjamin!

Today is my littlest one's 4th birthday!  As Kelsey said this morning, "He's growing up so fast.  It seems like just yesterday he was three!"  (See what I have to put up with at work?!!?)  This is the first birthday that he has really anticipated. He's been asking me for the past week if this is day he gets to turn four.  We had a family celebration on Easter and he got to open presents then, but he knew that wasn't his real birthday As is tradition in our house, I sat down with Benjamin to interview him on the eve of his birthday. Here are his answers:
He went to bed a three year old and woke up a four year old!

1. What is your favorite color? ALL DA COLORS!
2. What is your favorite toy? fire truck
Proud big brother

3. What is your favorite fruit? baby oranges (Mandarin oranges)
4. What is your favorite tv show? Team Umizoomi
Their first group shot

5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? peanut butter sandwiches
6. What is your favorite outfit? tie die shirt and khaki pants (which, incidentally, is the outfit he was wearing when I asked him)
tummy time

7. What is your favorite game? the fish game (a game he got for his birthday)
 8. What is your favorite snack? peanut butter apples with chocolate
Baby's first Halloween

 9. What is your favorite animal? tiger
10. What is your favorite song? ABCD

11. What is your favorite book? cucumber!! (I have no idea what he was talking about, but this was the last question I asked him and he was being pretty silly at this point!)
12. Who is your best friend? Gabe, Jack, and Simon
The love of cereal began early

13. What is your favorite cereal? Honey Nut Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch (yes, he mixes them together)
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? play on the slide
He's always been pretty cool

15. What is your favorite drink? lemonade and tea (again, mixed together)
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
LOVE this picture

17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? the frog that laughs and Baby Tiger, Lemurty, and Monkey
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? cereal in a bowl with milk inside and a spoon (apparently I teased him once about getting his breakfast, and since then he has been this specific with each breakfast request)

19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? baby oranges and chicken nuggets
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A DADDY!
 Happy 4th birthday, turkey sweet boy! We love you!!

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