Tuesday, March 4, 2014

#TuesdayTen: 10 Favorite Recipes

Today is Mardi Gras. Traditionally this is the day when Catholics (and some of other faiths) clean out their kitchens and gorge themselves on food in order to prepare for the 40 days of fasting that come along with Lent, which begins tomorrow, Ash Wednesday. Incidentally, March is also National Nutrition Month. Today just seemed like a good day to focus our #TuesdayTen on recipes. These are 10 of my favorites. They are ones I enjoy cooking, ones I enjoy eating, and ones that have special memories for me. Let's start with an appetizer! I've made a seven-layer dip similar to this one for my mom a few times. I don't think that I've ever made it for myself at home. That's probably a good thing; I'd probably eat it all by myself. Chips and dip are my go to snack!

Moving on to the soup course, we have two choices. This simple tomato basil soup that Frances actually likes (despite her not liking regular tomato soup). It's simple to make and I usually have the ingredients on hand.
tomato basil soup
Tomato soup is great when the weather's cold, but I've heard rumors that warmer weather is coming. If that's actually the case, I'd love to make this cold yogurt soup recipe again. Frances actually just asked for some the other day.
Cold Yogurt Soup
After the soup course, it's time to get to the main course. I have a couple of favorites that I rotate through regularly. The first one, I don't really have a recipe for. I've asked my dad a thousand times for his spaghetti recipe, but he always says he doesn't have one. One of these times when I visit, I need to force him to make spaghetti while I watch. Of course, he never really makes it the same way twice. A few of the essentials, I do know: ground beef, sliced green peppers, and mushooms. I know on occasion he has added some salsa for a nice kick. The other essential for my dad's spaghetti is his noodle-testing method. Does he throw them at the cabinet to see if they stick? Nope! He always requires us to tilt our heads back and chirp like a bird. Then he'll feed us a "worm" and we can report back on whether they're done or not.
Another favorite is my mom's pepper steak recipe. This was a staple for us growing up and I am happy to report that my kids like it, so I can add it in to our regular rotation. Yum!

Looking for fish? Ken has made this maple salmon recipe a few times and we've loved it! (Plus, dinner always seems to taste better when I don't have to cook it!)You know what goes great with a good salmon recipe? Potato salad! My mom makes amazing potato salad! I can replicate her recipe pretty well, but I've never posted it on my blog. I hope to this summer...if summer ever gets here!When summer does arrive, another light recipe I enjoy serving is a yummy quiche or frittata. My kids are big fans of this Bacon, Spinach, and Mushroom Quiche/Fritatta. Whether I add the crust depends on how much time I have. We like it either way.
Now it's time for dessert! Both of these are family recipes from my parternal grandmother. She was wonderfully talented in the kitchen. I have made my Grandma's Pecan Cookies many times. In fact, I have some in the freezer right now, just waiting to be sliced up and baked.
Unfortunately, this last recipe is not one I have been successul at. My grandmother made the most amazing English toffee. My dad and my younger brother now carry on the tradition. I would need a bigger kitchen workspace in order for it to work, but there's also the complication of melting sugar to just the right temperature. I haven't even made the attempt the past few years, but hopefully someday I will get it right!If you are still hungry, you can link up 10 of your favorite recipes below.

Your Tuesday Ten hostesses are:

The Teacher Wife

We hope you have enjoyed our Tuesday Ten Lists! If so, please link up one of your own and share using #TuesdayTen!
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2) Please do not link up contests, product reviews, or sponsored posts.
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4) Visit as many other linked posts as you can and show those bloggers some love by commenting and/or sharing!

Come link up again next Tuesday, March 11th when we'll be answering this question: "If you have to leave your house suddenly, never to return, what 10 things would you be sure to take with you?"

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