Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Google Made my Pictures Automatically Awesome!

I have had a Google account for a long time. Long before I used GMail regularly, I stored pictures there.  Recently Google has been cruising through my old pictures and making them "Auto- Awesome!"

I keep getting notifications from Google that more "Auto Awesome" pictures have been added. This one is from Henry's first Christmas.  Google made it snow inside my house!!

Google also made my tree extra pretty! It's all Twinkly!!

Another thing they've done is added motion to my pictures.  When I first brought my iPad home to play with, I took a lot of picture bursts.  Since capturing pictures quickly was so easy, I figured I would take a whole lot and then just delete the ones I didn't like.  It was a good way to grab a shot of my kids while they were moving around.  Well, as I'm sure you can guess, I never deleted the extras.  They all got uploaded together.  Then they got "Auto Awesomed."

Check out Oscar zooming past Benjamin down the hallway:

And the kids playing in the sandbox:

According to Google there are seven different options.
Apparently the process is done automatically to certain pictures when you upload or back them up.  From what I read, you can also turn off the option, but why would you not want your pictures to be awesome?!

Has using Google made you more awesome than you used to be?

P.S. I was totally done with this post and then this .gif popped up in my feed and I couldn't resist posting it!

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