Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Blog Hop: Favorite Picture

First of all I would like to strangle thank Brent for making me look through all my old pictures. I had a great time strolling down memory lane, trying to find my favorite:
This is Frances meeting Henry for the first time. I was scheduled to be induced on the morning of June 6th, so I had made arrangements for my good friend, Julie, to keep Frances for the day. Frances went to school with Julie and helped her pack up her classroom for the end of the year. That afternoon when Henry was born, we called Julie to let her know that it was time to bring Frances. Frances had been very excited up to the arrival her baby brother, but it was nothing compared to how she felt when she saw him. It was LOVE at first sight. Even now, two years later, she loves that boy to pieces! Sure, they fight and yell at each other; but they love each other deeply and I love to watch them play together.

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. It's a sweet photo.
    Just stopping by via the blog hop to say hello!


  2. THAT IS SO CUTE. Why have I never seen that picture before? I wasn't that enthused when I met my brother for the first time. I looked at him kinda funny.

  3. These first meet photos are convencing me I need to dig out my first meet photo from thing 1 meeting thing 2 for the first time....


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