Monday, October 10, 2016

Make Your Kitchen Boo-tiful for Halloween

It's time for another edition of Blog with Friends! Our theme this month is Tricks and Treats. Here's a sneak preview of our posts. You'll find mine here and links to the others down below.

We're getting settled in our new house! There are boxes everywhere. The weather turned cool and I can't find everyone's jackets. So of course, what am I doing? Decorating the kitchen for Halloween!

First I tackled the refrigerator. I found this cool spider web tulle at Michael's and some fake spiders to go along with. I wrapped the fridge door top to bottom and secured both ends with tape. Then I added the spiders.  The best thing about these spiders is that they keep reaching out and grabbing Ken every time he scoots too close to the fridge!

The next thing I decorated were the kitchen cabinets. These were fairly easy to do as well. I cut a length of ribbon about four inches longer than the height of the cabinets. I secured the ends of the ribbon on the inside with tape (you could use push pins, but we're renting, so tape seemed safer and it's held just fine). I made bows by wrapping several layers of ribbon around itself, pinching the middle and tying another small piece of ribbon around it. I used wire-rimmed ribbon, so they hold their shape well and attach easily to the ribbon on the cabinets.

The last thing I decorated wash the dish washer. Like it?? She's the cutest dish washer I've ever had. And I'm so proud of her stepping up to help out while we don't have the actual appliance in our rental.

Want some other spooky Halloween ideas? Check these out!

Karen at Baking in a Tornado has these adorable incredibly spooky individual mummy pies.

Dawn at Spatulas on Parade shares Cow Tails and Nuts cookies

Lydia at Cluttered Genius shares some tips for a spooky (and kid friendly) front porch.

Sarah at Not That Sarah Michelle has some ideas for playing dress up.

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