1. Reunions! I've got a family reunion as well as a high school reunion this summer. I'm looking forward to both. My kids are excited to see their cousins (second cousins, actually, but who cares?) and play with them. I won't be able to make all of my high school reunion because of a wedding, but I am eager to see some of my
2. Weddings! Henry's Big Sister is getting married this summer and Henry and I have been invited. He's thrilled to get dressed up and go see her again. She's also made him promise to dance with her. That'll be a sight to see! Ken's dad is getting married this summer as well. I'm happy to see that he's happy.
3. Camps! I don't get to go to camp, but the kids do and they can't stop talking about them.Summer camps are a necessity for us since Ken and I both work full time. I've considered a nanny, but then I wouldn't have any money left over for activities for them! They would get tired of each other rather quickly. Instead I sign them up for a variety of camps they can attend for enrichment, entertainment, and fun.
4. Vacations! Well, we really don't have much planned in the vacation area, but I am still taking some time off from work. I'll be helping with Vacation Bible School again this year, and then take the afternoons off. We also enjoy taking a week off when the fair is in town. I actually a fan of time off with no major plans. We don't often get the chance to do nothing.
5. Moving! This is still up in the air, but we are in the early stages of packing and staging. After that comes listing, selling, and buying. I've got my fingers crossed we can get through all those steps in the next three months. The market is turning over pretty quickly these days. I'm not sure if that's good news for us.
6. Relaxing! There's no homework to worry about. We don't have to pack school lunches. We still have to pack camp lunches, but those are more fun, right?!?! Please agree with me! Bedtimes can be a little more lax. The laundry piles are smaller because shorts take up less room than pants and coats. I may be reaching a bit, summer is still more relaxing than the school year.
7. Outside! I love hot weather. I love being able to sit outside. I love having the time to soak up some sunshine. The kids play in the yard, climb trees, soak in the baby pool, run through the sprinklers and all those other fun summer activities. It's also a great time for hiking and camping: two things I hope do more of this summer.
8. Summer Food! Frances asked me just the other day when I was going to make yogurt soup again. She's as hungry for summer cuisine as I am! Pasta salads, cold soups, and cookouts, here we come!
9. Books! This could go with relaxing, but I'm making it a separate category because I love them so much. And this summer, all my kids can read. I know it probably won't happen often, but I'm banking on at least a few rainy Sundays where we can all lay around the house reading books at the same time.
10. Surprises! I don't like having everything all planned out. I look forward to things popping up at the last minute and us being able to take part. That's what summer is for, in my opinion!
What's on your list for the summer? What's on your list of anything? Got a list to link up? Add it below!
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