Friday, November 14, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Still

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Five minutes on still...

My kids have been fighting a lot lately. It seems to me that they've been going out of their way to annoy each other and pick fights. I've been trying to keep them separated as much as I can, but in a teeny tiny house that gets difficult.

Last night we had several eruptions between dinner and bed. The boys were playing Legos quite nicely together until they weren't. I'm not sure what changed, but they both started yelling and crying. I shooed them off to get pajamas in an effort to redirect them to something else. They got ready for bed and played nicely for another few minutes before another eruption.

I finally got everyone settled into bed and I started to turn out the lights. That's when I noticed that Ben was already out cold. Despite the noise in the room and the overhead lights, he was completely still and sleeping.

TO look at him there, in that state, I can easily remember that he's only four ("four and a haff!") He doesn't have all his emotions figured out. 

I read a story and said prayers with Frances and Henry and then I sat in their room until they were still as well. I like the quiet and the chance to relax for a moment. But more importantly I need that reminder every day. The reminder that they are children and still learning and growing. As difficult as it is to remember in the daylight, they are not intentionally trying to drive me crazy. I hope I can hold on to the reminder for longer periods throughout the day.



  1. Here are some hugs from one boy mom to another! You are not alone in the "kids fighting a lot lately". I also have a hard time remembering they are only 6 and 9, so I sometimes expect them to act more like an adult. Solidarity, sister! So glad we are FMF neighbors!

  2. Hey neighbor! Is it the time of year? A full moon? Too much Halloween candy? Whatever it is, I am so exhausted! And not feeling well myself doesn't help. Here's to a peaceful weekend at both of our houses!

  3. I know sometimes I seriously forget that my girls are only 5 and almost 4 years old. And I have to remind myself often enough when they are not getting along or just being difficult that this too shall pass and to seriously enjoy as much of it while I can. Hugs and hoping tonight is a better night.

  4. I think it's harder with the younger ones, too, because we sometimes expect them to behave the same as the older ones. I love to watch my kids sleep and really enjoy those moments of stillness and quiet.

  5. My kiddo is an only child, so I can't relate with the sibling fighting. But I do remember those nights, after at tough behavior day, where I watched him sleep and marveled at how such a sweet little boy could cause me so much strife! Here's hoping you have a calm and happy weekend *hugs*

  6. What a great idea to sit in their rooms while they fall asleep. I only do that with the 2 youngers, but I think I might try it with the older kiddos.

  7. Danielle @ tiny-trotsNovember 14, 2014 at 5:40 PM

    I wish you were sitting on my shoulder everyday reminding me of this because my four year old has been particularly challenging lately! Great idea! I'll try it.

    Danielle Larkins @ tiny-trots

  8. Oh goodness, how I can relate. Three little ones five-and-under. I adore those "still" moments sprinkled in the midst of chaos, when they slow down enough to cuddle, or listen to a story, or become lost in play. Beautiful post!

  9. I feel you on the fighting! Oh man, like cats and dogs! I think it's the weather.

  10. Oh, the things I have to look forward to! ;-) But you are right. Having worked with children for years before becoming a mom, it's easy to forget sometimes that they are still understanding their emotions and how to communicate how they feel. When they do these things, it isn't on purpose or to make our lives harder. They're just being children!

  11. I think that way a lot about even Scarlet, who is only five and not even five and a half! And Des.. only two. We have a lot of squabbles ahead of us.

  12. Same here. Like when my son throws the worst tantrums. I get so sick of it but then again I realized too that he's just a toddler and he doesn't understand his emotions quite well yet.

  13. I hear you! I sit in front of a family with three kids at church. Their oldest two are in college and the youngest is in high school. Yesterday she had all three with her at church and she looked so happy. We joked about it and she said she remembers the days she was so fed up with them, but now she misses them a ton when they're gone and is always thankful to have them back together. It was a nice perspective.

  14. More than wishing that the younger ones would act more like older kids, I really wish that the oldest two would stop acting like the youngest!! They should know better! :)

  15. It's a nice way to reset your brain, isn't it? They all look so peaceful when they sleep!

  16. Thanks Elizabeth! We had a few quiet moments this weekend that I was able to appreciate. I also had a good talk with a mom of alder kids who helped me gain some perspective. Have a great week! Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Weather, moon phase, holidays, time change! All of the above, sister! I am not looking forward to taking this show on the road for Thanksgiving! LOL!

  18. I need that embroidered on a throw pillow in my living room! "They are just being kids!"

  19. I forget to mention all the love they show each other, though, That's good stuff. Not as frequent lately, but still good when it comes. I know at the end of the day, they've got each other's backs!

  20. Being a parent is hard, but being a toddler might be harder sometimes!


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