Friday, April 15, 2016

M: More #AtoZChallenge

More. I feel like I'm always looking for more.

More time: I could get the house cleaned AND finish that cross stitch project I started at Christmas. With more time, the drive to my parents' house for a visit wouldn't be a factor in how often we got to see them. More time would mean the kids could sleep in a little and still make it to school on time. More time seems like it would be such a blessing.

More space: Ken and I are thinking about moving again. We'd like a little more wiggle room in the house and a bit of a yard the kids can run around it. We'd really love an extra toilet so no one would have to wait in line! I try really hard to find a place for everything and put everything in it's place, but I've just run out of cabinets, shelves, and corners. More space would give us all more breathing room.

More money: We are certainly less stressed than we were at this point last year. We've paid off one credit card completely. It's so nice not to have that balance hanging over our heads. But of course there's always another problem a little extra cash could solve. The space one, for sure. Summer camps, and transportation to summer camps for he kids? That's a huge investment, but a necessary one since Ken and I will both be working. Who doesn't want more money?

Sometimes I have to really be mindful of all the blessings we do have. A healthy family, and good health insurance to stay that way. A solid house to protect us from the elements and keep us warm and safe. A support system that is second to none! We've got family and friends in our corner, no questions asked, 24/7.

One of the kids was upset this week for missing out on a school wide behavior reward. I saw the note and knew that a storm was brewing. There were tears and yells, but then there were hugs and back rubs. This morning, we had a private conference to go over the protocol for missing out on something. It's okay to be sad. It's okay to be angry. Just be mindful of how those emotions are acted out.

During our hugging session, my ring was noted. It's in cursive, so it's hard to read for "kids these days." I read it out and explained it. "be still" it says. Be still and know that I am God. It's my reminder during all of life's stresses that God has a plan. During any of life's intense moments, it's always good to take a minute to just be still and remind yourself of what's really important.

The conversation went well and I left for work sad that this day would be especially tough for one of mine, but confident that the necessary coping skills were in place. It's not the end of the world to miss out on a privilege; especially if a good lesson about behavior is learned. We'll move past this and hopefully, some day look back on this day and realize it's ultimate insignificance.

More time, more space, and more money wouldn't have solved this problem. What it ultimately took was more love and more understanding. And when I really think about it, that's what the world needs. If only we had more love and understanding in our hearts. Those other things will work themselves out too.

This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post. Your hosts are Kristi from Finding Ninee and this week’s sentence-thinker-upper, Deirdre from Deirdre’s Daily Dose.

Finish the Sentence Friday is a link-up where writers and bloggers come together to share their themselves with a particular sentence. If you’d like to stay ahead of future sentences and participate, join our Facebook group

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