Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Winter (and Other Things I Dread)

I'm going to tell you something that you don't want to hear. I apologize in advance.

September is Head Lice Prevention Month. Just typing it makes my head itchy. I'm hoping we've outgrown that particular phase around our house, but one can never be too sure. In that vein, I present to you...

Ten Things I Dread (in stream of consciousness order):

1. The teenage years. Although, I keep having this insight: Other people's kids are scary in the teenage years, but my kids are still my kids; just a little bigger and a little sassier. I'm pretty sure we can handle that.

2. Ken going back to work. I'm sad that he's not allowed to work until his arm heals. I know he feels useless staying home all day. But if I have to be completely honest...it's been nice having him home. This past weekend, we just sat on the couch together and did our own thing. He never just has a Saturday off for the heck of it! In fact, in the whole time we've been together, we've worked differing shifts. Spending evenings together as a family and having him home on the weekends has been really nice!

3. Winter. Sorry, not sorry. I hate cold weather. In fact, yesterday when it was 70 degrees I was chilly and didn't want to go outside. I like my weather hot and sunny; not cold and snowy!

4. Someone breaking my kids' hearts. I know it will happen, but I'm not looking forward to it. It makes me sad to think back on my dating life and think of the heartbreak my parents went through in solidarity with me.

5. Losing my parents. I'm honestly not even sure I want to write that. It scares me even typing it out. I'm just terrified of when that day comes. I can't even write anything more about that.

6. Cold and flu season. I hate being sick, but I hate it even more when my kids are sick. Frances gets congestion that goes straight to her ears, and the boys have it go straight to their chests. I'm hoping we can have a healthy fall/winter/spring this year, but I know we won't escape completely.

7. My boss retiring. I've had some bad/ineffective supervisors in my time. But now? My boss is amazing! But he keeps joking about retiring and I don't want to hear it. No one could possibly fill his shoes around here!

8. Moving. I know I say all the time that I want a bigger house with an extra bathroom, but I really don't look forward to packing and moving all our stuff. Or the part where we have to have perfect timing in selling our current house and buying a new one. It stresses me out!

9. The end of a trilogy. Don't get me wrong. I love to read, but I hate getting really engrossed in a good trilogy and getting to really know the characters and then realizing that you are close to the end. That book hangover gets me every time!

10. Making a #TuesdayTen list with only nine items!! I couldn't think of anything else and that started to stress me out until I realized it would make for a great ending!

What do you dread?

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