- Keeping your house spotlessly clean in just 30 minutes a day!
- Settling sibling scuffles in six simple steps!
- 9 great tips for staying on task for up to 30 minutes at a time!
- How to achieve the perfect work/life/me-time balance!
- Beating Candy Crush Level 117 with three stars!
- How to end tween eye-rolling for good!
- Household Organization for Dummies!
- The power of Sleep: How going to bed at a reasonable hour can help you feel refreshed each day!
- Name that tune: How to correctly identify any artist/song title immediately!
- Weaning yourself from exclamation points!!
I know I'm no expert in any of these topics, but maybe you are? Are you an authority on anything here? Go ahead and write the post, just credit me and let me know when it's ready so I can start a major self-improvement kick!
Edit to add: I DID IT!! I've been going back to level 117 for weeks just to try again for three stars. Shortly after complaining about it here, I tried again (twice) and GOT IT! Next I shall complain about our house not being paid off, just to see what happens!
Tuesday Ten is a fun linkup created by Lisa @ The Golden Spoons and Rabia @ TheLiebers. Each Tuesday we make a list of ten things and link them up to share. At the end of each post we post the topic for the next week. Anyone can join in! If you would like to be added to the mailing list without linking up, click here. We hope to see you on Tuesday!
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