Thursday, May 14, 2015

I am...

I wasn't going to post today since I posted so late yesterday. Then I saw that Elaine is doing some Old School Blogging again and I though I might as well write something. These are always fun!

This month is a bit different.  Copy the bold words and then the rest is up to you.  Fill in the words or sentences however you wish. Link up over at Elaine's.

I am hiding at work. We're technically closed today, but I took Frances and Benjamin to school and thought I'd pop in here for some writing time before I have to be somewhere at 10.

I wonder how much longer this knot in my shoulder is going to be around. I had a nice massage yesterday and she really worked on it, but it's still there. I want my full range of movement back, y'all!

I hear absolutely nothing! That's why I snuck into my office!

I see my computer screens and desk. I see the reflection of sunlight in the windows around me. I see work that should get done that going to have to wait until tomorrow!

I want to have a good time today. It's employee appreciation day! I have a Pilates class at 10, buffet lunch at 11:30, super fun BINGO after lunch and then I'm going to try out the challenge course on campus. I hope my shoulder will allow for all of that! And I want to ride my bike today.

I am glad for a relaxing week, but ready to have students and classes back next week. We have a new full time employee starting and I'm excited to meet him and get him acclimated.

I pretend that I'm not annoyed to do 95% of the housework. Some days I pretend better than others.

I feel excited for today. (Except for the shoulder thing. Did I mention that already?!)

I touch lives everyday. Hopefully in a positive way. I love the interactions I get to have with my own kids, with future educators, and with people in general.

I worry about my kids. Will they grow up to be responsible adults? Some mornings when I'm reminding them to brush their teeth for the 647th day in a row, I wonder about that a lot.

I cry when other people cry. I cry at movies, commercials, books, YouTube videos. I cry a lot, I think, but they're mostly happy tears. Or little pieces of big emotions leaking out of my eyes. Or maybe onions...

I am just realizing that I've already completed this prompt twice. I guess that's because I am a lot of different things. There are so many ways to interpret those two words.

I understand that there are always reasons for behavior even when we can't see them or figure them out.

I say a lot of things over and over again. Hello? Is this thing on!?!

I dream about a bigger house in a better neighborhood where we have more than one toilet and a place for the kids to play and ride bikes.

I try to be a good person. I know I fall short of that on some days, but I truly hope that I am making the world a better place one tiny moment at a time.

I hope that my kids and my husband and my parents and my brothers and my friends all know how much I love them.

I am feeling awfully reflective at this point! I wasn't completely expecting that, but it's not a bad way to start the day!

What are you...?


  1. I am a bit tired and another sinus/allergy headache today, but otherwise not too shabby of a day so far with the weekend almost being here ;)

  2. Hmm, I am not sure what I would be right now. There is so much going on in my life I am trying to just keep moving and not stop to think about it. I probably should, it helps to write it down like this? Thanks Rabia for sharing a little about you. Happy Thursday!

  3. I'm sorry about your shoulder.

    I hope you enjoy your day!

  4. I love your impromptu responses!

  5. I dream about a bigger house too, with land and a place for my kids to play. I worry about my kids too. Everyday!

  6. I dream about all sorts of things, and I cry about them too.
    Sounds like a super fun day! We had one here too. I just love the living in the spring and summer.
    I'll be participating in this OSB next week!

  7. I totally cry at YouTube videos too. Sometimes I cry laugh. LOL.

    And yes, I worry about my kids too. But I try to curb that as much as I can...

    This is a great way to get to know each other better. Glad you linked up again! :D

  8. I hope you feel better and get some good rest over the weekend!

  9. I think writing is a nice break to my day. The times that I"m writing seem less busy than other times.

  10. LOL! Shoulder feels better. Read today's story! :)

  11. Thanks. I try not to over think things too much!

  12. I hope you get that house, Echo! {{{HUGS}}}

  13. Strangely enough, I didn't cry yesterday with my epic wipeout. The alcohol pads almost got me to!!

  14. I cry and cry laugh. Especially reunion videos.
    And hahaha, you said "curb!" That's a great word considering today's story!!

  15. I let my annoyance show about the housework. ;)


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