Monday, March 23, 2015

Say What?!?! How to Pronounce my Name

I've written before about where I got my name and how to pronounce it. I've written about the many names I go by. But it seems that every time I bring it up, this certain conversation starts. I've always said my name is pronounced RAW (like uncooked veggies) BEE (buzz buzz) UH (uh...). Some people say it should really be RAH (like what a cheerleader says) but to me there's no difference. So to settle the score, once and for all, I made a video. And now you can finally hear me pronounce my own name. This is primary source data, folks!


  1. I love getting to actually here you pronounce your own name and smiled listening to your video 😉

  2. Who's a cute video! Love it . Now I know if I ever run into you. lol

  3. I love this so much, LOL! This is such a fun video!

  4. I had a coworked named Rabia, but she spells it Rabeya, so people called her all sorts of things (like Ra-BAY-uh). I'm glad to know I've been pronouncing your name correctly!

  5. Such a cute video!! I love the way you did this and I'm pretty sure that I will always remember how to pronounce your name!

  6. You are adorable and I love you! So much fun!

  7. This is hilarious! What a fun video. People actually say Roo-bia? At least I have been saying it right, Yay! You do have one of the coolest names, unlike my kind of boring name Jennifer....

  8. Very cute!!! I used to think it was RAY- bia until I saw you write out how to pronounce it once. :-)

  9. Oh wow all this time I got it wrong. I was thinking it was like a-RABIA-n nights lol. It's a very unique name for sure :)

  10. Thank you for making me smile Rabia. I like your creativity and at least now I have no excuse to mispronounce your name. You've explained it good and proper!

  11. I love videos! The kids usually love helping me too. Benjamin was the first one to jump on me for the "Mommy" parts, but when he watched it he didn't like it, so FJ stepped in.

  12. You never know where your travels may take you!

  13. The planning of it kept me up for quite a while one night, but I remembered most of what I had planned, so it all worked out.

  14. That's cool that you know someone with a similar name! I've never seen it spelled that way, so I might have said it wrong too.

  15. I hope so, Kim! Then when we have the big meet-up, you'll know what to say! :)

  16. Aha! All depends on what region of the country you're from :) I say CAW-fee for coffee, and R-AWWWWW for raw, so it definitely helped to hear you say it.

  17. I think accents have a lot to do with it. I'm glad it makes sense now!

  18. Primary source data, indeed!! I remember you writing about it and I've always pronounced it correctly in my head since you wrote that.
    I get it, though. Boy do I get it.

    -- Tamara Rhymes With Camera.

  19. I think the only people I have ever known with your name have pronounced it the way you do. I've heard OF other ways to say it, but I don't know anyone like that.

  20. YES! I loved everything about this post! I giggled at your girlie at the end. ;) Sharing with all my friends now.

  21. Thanks, Shelly! She likes to be goofy! Just like her mom!


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