Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Q is for Quiet

Quiet is
Quick little footsteps out of bed on a Saturday morning
Using a stool to reach the freezer and grab some waffles
Ipad games in the corner of the couch, tucked under a blanket
Eating your waffle on the couch
Thinking your mom won't notice

So I guess in that sense, Henry is pretty quiet!

Quiet is
Quickly getting out your book the minute you get a chance to sit down
Using characters and references from Harry Potter to relate to everything
Insisting that you've combed your hair
Even though it's in the same ponytail as yesterday
Trying hard to tread the line between kid and teen

In those terms, Frances has been quiet lately too.

Quiet is
Questions all the time
Using your stuffed animals to communicate with teachers, parents, and siblings
Informing me your tired, when I know you just want to be held
Eating the same things every day, but
Trying new foods on occasion

What do you know! Benjamin is a quiet kid too!

I never knew my house was so quiet!

This post was part of the new One Word Blog Linkup hosted by, Janine of Confessions of a Mommyholic, Marcia of Blogitudes, and Lisa of The Golden Spoons! This week, the word prompt choices were Fake and Quiet.


  1. I loved this Rabia and right now my house is quiet, but that is only, because both girls are still sound asleep, but that is all going to change in less then an hour's time! ;)

  2. That brief moment of silence before all the's pure gold, isn't it!?

  3. Your quiet sounds wonderful, Rabia! And oh, so sweet! I miss being around little ones - having moments like these. Enjoy! They never last long enough. :)

  4. It's like a poem! Neat. Sorry, i can't think of anything more meaningful to say, even though I've been reading about leaving meaningful comments. Clearly, I'm failing. Can "fail" be the next one word prompt? ;)

  5. Jeannine (@EubanksEutopia)March 11, 2015 at 11:08 AM

    Sweet poetry! <3

  6. How cute. I agree with Frances that the ponytail for yesterday counts as done ;-)

  7. Such a good poem. My kids aren't that quiet, except for when they're actually sleep. LOL. My son can be quiet though. I often consider my hair combed from the day before too. :)

  8. I love this more than words <3

  9. I had a bit of writer's block and this mostly solved it.

  10. Thanks, April. Mine are most often quiet when they are sleeping. Sneaking out of bed for iPad time and eye rolling are fairly quiet activities too, though. :)

  11. Thanks, Tia. I wrote about six versions of this post because settling on the "simpler is better" idea.

  12. I wish my kids were quiet. Well, Tommy can sometimes be quiet. Natalie? Not much.

  13. And, then they will be teenagers and you really will have times that are more quiet than you ever wanted!!!

  14. How awesome, Rabia! I get suspicious when it's quiet around my house too. That's when you know they're hoping you won't notice their mischief lol. Frozen waffles, huh!

  15. Nawww Love this post Rabia! Warm fuzzies to you and your 'quiet' kiddies ;)

  16. My house is often so loud, that quiet is.. rare. And wonderful. They are capable of it, though! Especially when their mouths are full.

  17. Mine are not usually quiet unless they're trying to be sneaky! And then I have to decide whether to let them get away with it for my sanity.

  18. That's true! I'm not ready for teenager-hood.

  19. One of my kids is a major food-sneak, but I haven't figured out who yet. I think it's the oldest!

  20. Kids don't make good poker players, do they!?!


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