Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Here's Lookin' at you Kid!

Here's the thing. At least once a year I have an week or two of awful allergy symptoms: runny nose, itchy eyes, scratchy throat. If I catch it early enough I can start my allergy meds and shorten the time period, but it's usually something I have to suffer through for at least a little bit. The worst part, though, is the week after the symptoms subside. I know that sounds strange, but bear with me. 

The week after the allergy symptoms ease off is the week I lose my voice. I feel fine, I just can't talk, which is a real problem for a blabber mouth with kids. I get all the sympathy that I wished for the week before and I have to parent with a series of finger snaps and "looks."  You know? THE LOOK??

I'll show you.
This look says, "Are you sure that's a good idea?" or "Have you lost your mind?!"

This one says, "That was NOT a good idea!"

This one says "Are you really going to try to talk your way out of this?"

This one says, "I'm not buying it. You might as well give up!" or possibly, "What did you think would happen when you tried that?"

Obviously, this one says, "Good night! I've had enough for today!"

And just for funsies, this one says, "It's really dark in the kitchen this afternoon. Maybe I shouldn't wear my sunglasses inside! Duh!!" (Yes that really happened!)
There are some days I really think I've lost my mind. I get tired of saying the same thing over and over again. I have nothing left to fall back on but a series of looks that the kids know all too well at this point. 

I'm going to do a little word math with you and explain something that I think we all know:

Insanity=Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Parenting=Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Therefore, by the transitive property of equality,


Don't be mad at me. I'm just pointing out the truth!

I'm double dipping on the linkys today, 'cause I'm a bada$$ like that!
If you want to talk #MommyReality and #DatLook head over here

If you want to join the #1Word Challenge, head here.


  1. I love that you doubled up and your faces (each and every one) were priceless! But still also couldn't agree more about your definition of parenting - truly is the definition of insanity and wouldn't get any arguments from me on that!

  2. Love the facial expressions collage! I feel like I say the same things over and over when I'm baby-sitting, and of course it's that times a million when the kids are your own. Parents have the most patience of anyone!

  3. I love this, Rabia haha. I can so relate. I have one 'Seriously?' look when it's just too much to even have to repeat myself.

  4. Hahaha, I love your looks! They can say so much without saying a word!

  5. Love it! I think all moms & dads have their looks. And all of us are insane as well! For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure I've lost my mind, too!

  6. Oh you are a 'Dat look master! This exactly portrays the many stages of 'Dat look. Do your kids jump when you give some of these, since you are voiceless?

  7. It's amazing how kids learn early to read those expressions! Your post made me smile!

  8. I think my favorite part is when the kids start mirroring those expressions right back at me! So hard not to laugh...

  9. Jeannine (@EubanksEutopia)March 5, 2015 at 8:47 PM

    LOVE your looks, I have the same ones. Especially the 2nd one, that's my classic mom look. :)

  10. Your looks are fun!!
    I love the transitive property with parenting and insanity!

  11. Parenting definitely equals insanity! Especially on snow day number two here!

  12. Maybe next time I have to give the look, I'll think of this post and laugh instead.

  13. There are a few phrases I wish I could record and put on a loop just to make my life easier!

  14. Ugh! If I had a nickel for every time I said certain things, I'd be rich!!

  15. LOL! What can I say! I'm cool like that!

  16. Now if only the kids would listen!!

  17. Ken and I are both insane, that's for sure! Usually we take turns with the mental breakdowns, though.

  18. My kids pretty much give me a look right back. They're not scared of me! LOL!

  19. Even my preschoolers picked up on my faces after the first week or so of class. Maybe their parents made the same faces!

  20. It's not always a good things when your kids mirror things back to you, but at least it's a learning experience then!

  21. Everybody's got to have a standby look!! LOL!

  22. There's a little bit of math in everything...even parenting!

  23. haha! Those are great looks. I like each one. I don't even want to know the ones I have - but I'm certain they're worse for the pets than the kids.
    So I get seasonal allergies too and I now start Flonase in February so I don't lose my voice in March! I used to have it so bad.

  24. I started my Zyrtec today just in case. I was starting to feel a little sniffly.


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