Tuesday, November 25, 2014

#TuesdayTen: I am So Thankful!

I have so much in my life to be thankful for. I could probably make a list that was ten pages long and I'd still leave things out. I decided to go with broad categories so I could like Ten Things I'm Thankful For:
  1. The family I was born into: My mom and dad. My two brothers. Various aunts, uncles, and cousins
  2. The family I married into: My in laws are the people who caused Ken to be the man he is and for that I am grateful.
  3. The family I created: A husband and wife and three kiddos. It's not exactly what I had imagined, but it makes me happy and keeps me on my toes.
  4. My friends: I'm very fortunate that I've got great friends who always have my back. Friends who tell it like it is and put up with me doing the same. Friends who can get after my kids one minute and scop them up for hugs the next.
  5. My health: I do not take it for granted. I may get the sniffles on occasion, but that's about it.
  6. My job: I ask myself every day how I stumbled in to this position with the people that I work with. My job offers me challenges and routines as well as a schedule flexible enough to allow me to still be a mom.
  7. My kids' schools and teachers: They are the best! They really love their students and work hard to bring out the best in them
  8. My blog and blog readers (that means you!): I have this great creative outlet that has brought me friendships from all over the place! Plus I bring in a little income for my family and get some neat things to try out as well.
  9. Books and the ability to read them: I've loved getting lost in books since I was four years old. I hope I never stop being able to dive into the pages of a good book and just get lost for a while.
  10. The freedoms I don't even notice that I have: People complain about our country, but they forget that they are fortunate to be able to do so. I am lucky to have been born here in this time and place and to have the freedoms that so many around the world just don't have.
What are you thankful for? Leave a list on the comments or link up your own thankfulness post (doesn't have to be ten items).

#TuesdayTen rules and such are here. Please read them if you've never participated before.
Also, we are putting together a giveaway for our first birthday in January. You can purchase a link for only $5 and get lots of social media exposure. Click here for more information!


    1. Aww, wonderful things to be thankful for indeed and many are on my list as well 😉

    2. Ah, books. I love getting lost in them too. Happy Thanksgiving, Rabia!

    3. Great list, Rabia. I love the first 3, the last 2 and the 5 in the middle!

    4. Reading your list makes me thankful, too! I love your positive outlook on life and am grateful I get to know you through blogging. :)

    5. I'd like to add this link up! Sorry I've missed you guys the past couple of weeks. This is one of my favorite link ups and I'm so thankful you guys continue to do it. Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

    6. WE are most definitely blessed, aren't we? :-) Great list!

    7. Family, family, family. I am so grateful for extended family members and for my own little family!

    8. I have the sniffles right now, and boy am I glad for my health. Even being knocked down for six days seems so long and makes you feel like you can't even remember having been not sick. It's weird. I'm so thankful.

    9. Awesome list Rabia! Gives me warm fuzzies reading everyones posts about what they are thankful for! Thanks for sharing yours!

    10. I am fortunate indeed, to have some many things on my list!

    11. I have a ton with me for this break. A few paperbacks and a lot of e-books!
      Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Dana!

    12. I should amend my list to add this comment! It is honestly my favorite comment of all time! Happy Thanksgiving, Echo!

    13. AWww, thanks Katy! I'm glad blogging has made this big world seem a little smaller and more connected. Happy Thanksgiving!

    14. No worries, Jennifer! We're happy to have you any time you can join us! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    15. We truly are! Happy Thanksgiving, friend!

    16. Families have their ups and downs, but in the end, I'm glad I've got mine! Happy Thanksgiving!

    17. I hate that feeling; when you can't remember being well. I hate that you're sick right now. I hope you are feeling better soon! Happy Thanksgiving!

    18. I wish we could all focus on the good more often! It certainly puts me in an awesome mood!

    19. Hahaha, I adore you Rabia! Happy Thanksgiving!

    20. I'm loving Thanksgiving so much more than in past years. It's so important to take stock.

    21. I found a Nora Roberts that I hadn't read yet at Goodwill over the weekend! I've gotten used to the Kindle, but it's nice to hold a book again!

    22. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Much better than I was expecting, too!


    Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a link so I can return the visit.

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