We had a busy weekend that is leading up to a busy week. Hold on tight, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!!
Friday night we went to the movies here on campus with the Washingtons. They were showing Monsters, Inc. which I don't think Henry had ever seen. The kids sat in front and we sat a row behind them. It's a really cute movie and the kids and I really enjoyed it. Benjamin made it all the way through the movie this time, but he did come to it in my lap about 3/4 of the way through. I had brought his Bumbo seat so he could sit by himself if he wanted to. After the moive we drove to the top of the parking garage for the second highlight of the evening! The kids love doing that. We don't even get out of the car, so I'm not sure why it's so exciting, but it's free and they love it, so WHY NOT!
Saturday morning we took it easy. I made pancakes and used our new Star Wars cookie cutters on them. They cam e out okay, but there was some trial and error in getting the batter to not stick too much to the cutters. The kids enjoyed their "spaceship" pancakes and we had a enough left over to save for Sunday morning so Ken could see them.
Saturday afternoon we played. I gave Benjamin a box while Frances and
Henry played dress up. Note to self: find some boy dress up clothes
We had a program at church Saturday night, so I loaded up the van to take the kids to the Saturday evening liturgy. Ken surprised us by getting off from work in time to come to Mass with us. After Mass we went over to the social hall for dinner and a Lenten program. The dinner was delicious! I went back for seconds on the meatballs and Benjamin ended up eating half of the serving! We played a trivia game (that we won!), made pretzels together, and created a Lenten "Handy Reminder" by tracing out hands and gluing the cutout on paper and then decorating them with our Lenten observances.
The original plan was to sleep in on Sunday and not do much else, but Henry's cold headed south and he spent the entire night coughing, so I was up off and on with him. I decided to go ahead and take him to the doctor's office on Sunday, and he is back on his steroid medications. The good news is that he slept through the night last night with no coughing, so hopefully he will be on the mend quickly this time around.