Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers' Day 2011

We had a very nice Mothers' Day weekend around here.  Ken had taken the day off previously so we could have some family time. Our original plans fell through, so we made up some new ones at the last minute.
First, we went out to Lowe's and bought veggies!!  I am so excited to finally try some gardening here at our house.  My parents got us some "earth boxes" for an early anniversary gift, so we wanted to fill them up.  The kids were so excited about which vegetables we would plant. I am so glad they are such good eaters!!  We ended up buying tomatoes, red peppers, orange peppers, yellow squash, zucchini squash, cucumbers, oregano, rosemary, cilantro, and basil.  We got home and planted everything out front in the earth boxes.  And now we wait. Cross your (green) fingers!
After we planted the veggies we had some lunch and the kids took a nap. I ran out to the grocery store and then folded some laundry.  Fascinating, I know!
After nap time, the we all watched "Tangled." The kids and I had seen it the night before, but Ken still wanted to see it before we returned it. It's a cute movie!
For dinner, we had burgers. They were supposed to be grilled, but of course it rained so we used the broiler.
Sunday was a crazy morning. It was one of those days where we somehow lost an hour. I was getting ready to make some omelets when I realized it was time to leave for church.  Do these time blips happen to other people too?
I also got to open some Mothers' Day gifts. Frances gave me my very first noodle necklace. It even matched the outfit I already had on.  Henry made me a sun-catcher at school.  Then Frances created a new present for me. First she asked if we had a box she could borrow. Then she filled it with a bunch of stuff from around the house. When she presented it to me, she explained the significance of each item.  There was a candy tin because I am sweet and I like candy, a band-aid because I always take care of them when they get hurt, a book because I like to read to them, a toy because I like to play with them, a pencil because I help her with her homework, $1.91 in change because I like money and I like to buy them things, and a heart because she loves me very much! So sweet!!
Anyway, after church, some yummy omelets, and naps for VERY cranky kids, we got our yummy dinner together.  We had grilled chicken, chilled shrimp, fresh strawberries, Parmesan noodles, and artichokes.  The kids LOVED the artichokes. I even gave Benjamin some of the heart and he liked it.  Then the kids wanted to know if we could grow some artichokes.  Too bad we don't have more room!
All in all, a great Mothers' Day!
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