Request seven hours of sleep and you'll almost get it! I went to sleep on the couch last night while trying to watch something on tv with Ken. He has given up on trying to get me to go to bed, mostly because it never works. So at some point he left me alone and went to bed himself. I got up later and followed him. It must have been close to 10:00. Usually Benjamin wakes up around 3 or 4 to eat, but last night he slept until 4:50! So I got a whopping 6 hours and 50 minutes of sleep. In a row!
I had a strange dream last night about house hunting. I was looking at lots of different houses and comparing them for a possible move for our family. I was alone, but I know the kids existed because I was looking at bedrooms and playrooms for them. The weird thing is that every house was missing a room. One didn't have a dining room, one only had one bedroom, one was missing a living room. I guess my dream real estate agent didn't listen very well. One of the houses had a really cool playroom though! I think that was the one with only one bedroom.
Of course I had an early morning visitor. I tried to ignore him, thinking he might go back to sleep, but then he started playing with my hair. And by "playing" I mean picking out individual strands and pulling them out of my ponytail. OUCH! So I had to ask him to stop. Which of course means he had to ask me for "Sumpin to eat and sumpin to drink." Six times. Or maybe seven. I'm not sure, I was trying to sleep. Well, since it is Ken's birthday, I got out of bed to fulfill Henry's request, and now here I am.

We headed home and got Henry into bed for a late nap as he was starting to melt down. Ken took a nap and Frances and I sat on the couch reading. She read an entire chapter book in about an hour! Just like her mother!!
We had a late dinner and then Ken and I got the kids to bed and sat down to watch some tv together. I don't remember what we watched. Probably because I fell asleep.
P.S. Happy birthday Ken!!