Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tuesday To Do

Last week I started a to do list for Tuesday.  So now I need to take a look at it and see how I did:
* do 5 loads of laundry-that means, wash, dry, fold, and PUT AWAY!--I washed 6, folded 5 and put away four...need to get back on track with that!
* move around the dining room to find a place for the Christmas tree--NOPE  :(  I am determined to get that done this week!
* make some more ******** for Christmas presents--Not that I can tell you what the asterisks stand for, but I finished one and am most of the way through two more
* pick out a Christmas card and get a picture taken--YEAH! This one got done!  The cards should be arriving early next week and then I will have to address and mail them all!
* get rid of two bags/boxes of useless stuff--I think I took out the equivalent of two bags of trash, so I am calling this a success
* donate two bags/boxes of stuff I don't need anymore--I took three boxes of stuff to Frances' school to donate and have one more that I forgot to send to school with her today.

Now for this week:
* do 5 loads of laundry-that means, wash, dry, fold, and PUT AWAY!
* move around the dining room to find a place for the Christmas tree
* make some more ******** for Christmas presents

* make my list of recipients for our Christmas cards
* get to the grocery store
* finish gift, side A and start gift, side B
* get rid of two bags/boxes of useless stuff
* donate two bags/boxes of stuff I don't need anymore
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