Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Yes...I left off the "p." That's how tired I am. Henry was up in the middle of the night again and he was totally inconsolable. He wanted to sit. He wanted to lie down. He wanted to be on me. He wanted Daddy. He just couldn't make up his poor little mind. He also had a pretty snotty nose, so I am pretty sure that the ear that was a little red on Thursday last week is now infected. His teachers at school said he was flapping his ears also, so I went ahead and filled the prescription my wonderful doctor gave us last week "just in case."
I had a conference in Fincastle today. It was a really nice break and I truly enjoyed it, but I was so tired that I couldn't see straight to read the bible verses we talked about. On the way home I called as many people as I could (with my ear bud, of course) to keep me awake on the way home. Julie was one of them. She said something incredibly funny...or was it witty...or possibly profound? I honestly don't remember. She told me I should write it down. I do remember telling her that I was going to blog it. She laughed and said she would check on it. Well, Julie, when you do check, please post your funny/witty/profound statement in the comments section so everyone else can see it and remember it-because I certainly don't!!
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