Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Museum of the Bible Books

I accordance with FTC guidelines, I need to tell you that I received these books from WorthyKids/Ideals for free in exchange for an honest review. The links below are sponsored links, in that if you click through to Amazon and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission. Thank you for your support.

When I was growing up I loved reading. I read all the time. Now my kids do too and it makes me proud. One big difference I've noticed is the larger variety of non-fiction books available. Now, I may have read the encyclopedia a few times for fun as a kid, but in reality it wasn't that interesting. Today, though, there are lots of fun non-fiction books for kids.

I love this trend, so imagine my delight when we were sent some Bible books to review and they are in the same vein!

These Museum of the Bible books (I received four) were so much fun to read with my kids!

What's the Bible All About? is a board book intended for 2-5 year olds. It has a great overview of what the Bible is about, what's in it and who wrote it. There's even a great Catholic shout out for those extra books we keep in! Even though it is intended for 2-5 year olds, I think it has great information for kids (and adults) of all ages!
Children of the World Storybook Bible is a collection on Bible stories from the Old and New Testament. Most of the stories will be familiar to people, but there are some not so common ones in there too. The stories are illustrated by kids from around the world, which makes for a cool discussion point. It also has an index, so you can look up people and places; as well as a map showing all the countries the illustrations come from.

Wild and Wacky Things in the Bible is a collection of fun and important stories to help understand the background of many Biblical stories. For example, there's an explanation of the Jewish Day of Atonement and Yom Kippur to go along with a story from Leviticus. It teaches where the term "scapegoat" comes from and why we still use it today.

That's So Weird is a collection of weird and wacky Bible facts. It is full of scripture verses and references with the kind of weird tidbits that my kids love. Did you know that King David was a talented musician and a great dancer, although his dancing embarrassed his wife? (2 Samuel 6:16)

All these books were published by Worthy Kids in cooperation with the Museum of the Bible.

The Museum of the Bible is an innovative, global, educational institution whose purpose is to invite all people to engage with the Bible. In 2017, Museum of the Bible, which aims to be the most technologically advanced museum in the world, will open its 430,000-square-foot nonprofit museum just three blocks from the Capitol in Washington, D.C. A digital fly-through of the Museum is viewable here.

You can purchase these books (and more) here, or on Amazon.com.  I'm also giving away a copy of the winner's choice right here on this blog. Enter below!
Museum of the Bible Books

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