Monday, November 6, 2017

Fall Decor

Ahhhh...Fall. That time if year when the weather starts to cool off, and you start to pack up the shorts. Then it gets hot again and the kids yell at you because they are too hot. So you get a few pairs of shorts out again, but then it gets cold and they are freezing and "how come we don't have any jackets!?" and "Are these pants or shorts? My ankles are showing!'

I'm honestly not a huge fan of Fall. Being the perpetually cold person that I am, it's just one big tease of a season. We'll have a warm day and I'll let my guard down and then I'll walk outside the next morning and get a blast of cold air in my face. I am constantly holding jackets that the kids needed in the morning, but no longer need in the afternoon (but I have to keep track of them in case we are out after sunset because it will get cold again)!

Can't I just stay in bed?? I'd really like to be able to hibernate. I'm already eating all the food, why not check out a few books, and snuggle in under some blankets for a month or two? Is that asking too much? It is? Ok, Fine, never mind!

Fall is when things can start to get crazy again too. I lost a few hours of sleep from making the kids' Halloween costumes. Soon it will be time to stress about when and how and who we visit for Thanksgiving. And can the kids get along for just 36 hours so I can enjoy part of the holiday myself??

I try to enjoy the season. Really, I do! Family time, togetherness, holidays centered around eating...I get it! There's lots to love in the Fall. I even signed up to do a project for the Blog With Friends November challenge. The theme is Fall Favorites. I love my BWF peeps more than I love Fall, so here I am.

I made this wall hanging/door decoration with very little preparation. In fact, I had a last minute idea to use some pine cones from our yard since I knew we had a ton of them.

Well, it turns out we have lots of pine trees, but not so much with the pine cones. was pouring down rain. For some reason, though, Henry volunteered to go out and look. And he filled a small bucket with soaking wet pine cones. What a sweetheart!

I put the pine cones on a cookie sheet and placed them in a 250 degree oven for about an hour. My house smelled heavenly! I would honestly recommend it even if your pine cones aren't wet. (If they are from your yard, it should kill any bugs living in them.)

While they were drying out, I sketched the letter "L" on a piece of spare cardboard and cut it out. You can do a letter for your last name, or multiple letters to spell out a word, or even just a circle to make a wreath. That's up to you.

I arranged the pine cones to cover as much of the cardboard as possible and hot glued them on. Then I added a ribbon I had. Now I can hang it on the wall or door, or even about the fireplace. Obviously, I haven't decided yet!

Want some more fabulous Fall fun? Check this out!

Karen of Baking in a Tornado has this amazing caramel topped apple spice bread.

Alicia at Taylor Life has Favorite Fall Foods that Help Fight Depression.

Kia of Think in English has Fabulous Fall Activity Ideas and Resources for ESL Teachers.

Lydia of Cluttered Genius has some Proven Fall Favorites for Kids.

Dawn of Spatulas on Parade has Chocolate Faux Peanut Butter Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting.

What's your favorite thing about fall?

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