Monday, November 28, 2016

A Star From Afar

I was given this product in exchange for an honest review. I am so excited to share this with you all today!

I love the Christmas season. There's so much excitement and watchful waiting. Every year we try really hard as a family to make sure that the kids understand the true meaning of Christmas. It isn't just about gifts and cookies and time off from school. We are really getting our minds and hearts ready for the birth of Christ. I'm really proud that my kids have internalized this message and they get very excited about all the traditions we have together.

This year in a new house, our traditions may have to take some adjustments, but the underlying feelings will still be there. I'm also excited to add new things to the mix. One of those new things is our Star From Afar.

Star From Afar is a book and game that helps families understand the true meaning of Christmas. The set includes a book with a rhyming nativity story and a set of nativity figurines. To play the game you begin by reading the book together as a family. Then each day leading up to Christmas, a parent will hide the star somewhere in the house. The kids get to look for the star and then move the Wise Men to be near the star. In our house we've started as far away from the rest of the nativity set as possible and will be moving the star closer each day.

We've done some other hide-and-seek type things with the kids during Christmas, but my favorite part about this one is that I've told the kids that I'm the one moving the star. There's no secrets about it and I don't have to worry about forgetting and "ruining" things for them. There are also no rules about touching the star or the Wise Men figures. In fact, since we have three kids, each of them gets a figurine to take with them on their search for the star.

Each evening (or morning) after I move the star, I place the Wise Men outside their bedroom doors. That's their reminder to go search for the star when they wake up. They were so cute this morning when I knew that the older two had found it but they were waiting for the youngest to locate it before placing their figurines. They even kept their mouths shut when he got excited to be "the first one to find the star." (They did roll their eyes, though!)

The set itself is made of wood and feels very sturdy. Frances commented that they "feel like butter" because they are sanded very smooth to be safe for little hands. All three of my kiddos (6, 9, and 13) were excited about this idea and the game. I like the idea of them searching for the light each morning. What a great way to start the day!

If you'd like to have a set of your own, you can purchase one on the Star From Afar website. You can use the code FOLLOWTHESTAR for 10% off through December 25, but don't wait that long to purchase because you'll want to use this with your kids this Christmas season. In fact, you can try to win your own set right here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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