Monday, August 8, 2016

Desk Organization with School Spirit #DIY

It's August! Where did the summer go?? Oh, that's right! I probably packed it up in a box somewhere! LOL!

We've got two weeks left of summer at this point. The kids have one more week of camp and then a week stuck home with me! Muah ahahahah! Actually, it's the week the county fair is in town, so we'll probably hang out there a few days. I'd like to try to wrap up all the things we didn't get done over the summer, but sadly, that's a pretty long list.

My friends from the Blog with Friends challenge are doing School Spirit for the month. I"m also trying to start the school year out organized, so I combined the two. As with a lot of my projects there are many ways you can take this. I'll tell you what I did, and offer a few suggestions to do it a little differently.

I used:
  • #10 can I got from Ben's day care
  • 15 oz. soup can
  • Blue and silver duct tape
  • School specific transfers 
First I covered both cans with duct tape.  Make sure to fold the tape over the sharp edge to cover it up. After both cans were covered, I used a strip of tape to secure the small can inside the larger can. Then I used the Cricut machine at work and cut out a lion and the school initials for Frances' school. Lastly, I adhered the logos to the can. The small can is for pens, pencils, scissors, etc. and the large can will hold papers. Frances loves this for her desk because she can have all her stuff in one place!

If you don't have a Cricut machine available to you, you can simply use clear tape over any letters, cutouts, or pictures. You can put one of these in the kitchen to hold recipes, by the front door to hold mail and stamps, or on your dresser to hold lotions and brushes. The possibilities are up to you!

Check out the rest of the Blog With Friends crew for more School Spirit ideas!

Karen of Baking in a Tornado has School Spirit Mini Cupcakes

Lydia of Cluttered Genius has 9 Tips for Chaos Control {Before School Starts}

Dawn at Spatulas on Parade has some ideas for School Spirit-Crazy Hat Days

 Eileen's Perpetually Busy has these School Color Cookies

Melissa at Home on Deranged offers tips for How to Choose the Right Elementary School

Minette from Southrn Belle Charm has a beautiful Wrap Bracelet

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