Monday, July 11, 2016

Chillin' Triptych #DIY

It's hot! The weather, yes; but life in general is just hot right now. We've got our house on the market. We've got our eye on one we think will work for us. We've had some extended family upsets, as well as more than the usual amount of stress around our own little home.

I feel like I need a break before I break! I'd love a vacation, but that's not happening anytime soon. What I'd really like is for all the loose ends floating around in my head to tie themselves into a neat little bow!

In times like these, I sometimes have to take a step back and remind myself to chill out!

And a dash of artistic expression never hurt anyone, right??

I made this cool (get it?!) triptych with the kids after they got mad when I made one with just Henry for him to give as a gift to his Big Sister. You can personalize this project in so many different ways, but here's what we did:


  • three 5x7 canvases
  • three colors of paint
  • three paint brushes
  • words/pictures cut out (I used the Cricut at work, but you can really just print out any picture and cut it out)
  • paper plate
  • Mod Podge
  • two wooden pieces (optional)
  • string to hang (optional)
  • staple gun (optional)
I picked out three summer looking colors that agreed with each other and then I gave each kid a canvas and told them to fill it up. This part really didn't matter to me. The boys just globbed some pain on willy nilly while Frances made a pattern and painted some waves. You really can't mess this part up!

After their paint was dry, I look my popsicle cutouts and words and placed them on the canvases. To get everything lined up properly, you'll want to put the canvases right next to each other. Once I had everything fit on the way I wanted, I cut the pieces along the edges of the canvases and spread them out.

Next I spread some Mod Podge on the cutouts to adhere them to the canvases. You'll want to make sure you get the pieces lined up exactly, so double check before you put them down. Spread the Mod Podge over the entire canvas and pay special attention to the edges of the cutouts so they get stuck down all the way.

Allow this whole thing to dry and then you can decide what to do with it. These would look pretty propped on a shelf or mantle. You could hang them on a wall as well. I chose to attach them to some wooden slats, add a string, and hang them on my door. It was high time for that Easter wreath to go!! LOL

Want some other ideas on how to chill out? Keep reading!

Chewy Orange Pineapple Bars from Karen at Baking in a Tornado:

Tortellini "Chill" Salad from Dawn at Spatulas on Parade:

Find Your Chill from Lydia at Cluttered Genius:

Chill Out on Your Next Vacation in the Great Outdoors with these tips from Melissa at Home on Deranged:

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