Thursday, June 30, 2016

#BFF Brainard Family Fun

I've been gone for a while, guys! School let out and things got crazy! We actually picked up the kids from school on the last day and headed straight down to Asheville, NC for a family reunion. We've done this reunion twice before and each time it has gotten more fun. I especially love watching my kids play with all my cousins' kids just like they've known each other forever!

We arrived after dinner on Friday night and, of course, the kids wanted to go straight to the pool. We let them since they'd been in the van all day and they swam until 10 PM. We got up early the next morning, since kids are incapable of sleeping in (unless it's a school day).
My favorite sandwich place. And we don't have them around here!

Saturday was spent at a nearby lake, talking, NOT wading in the water, fishing, and going for a paddle boat ride. We also had a nice cookout and lots of family time. Back to the pool for some down time and then Saturday evening found us in downtown Asheville taking over a pizza restaurant and watching street performers.

Sunday morning we went to Mass at the Basilica of St. Lawrence and then wandered around downtown a bit more before heading out to find some local artisans. There weren't any artists out on a Sunday, but we did get to watch some glass blowing and chat with the guy.

Sunday evening we had a big family dinner and heard some family history from my Uncle Larry. It was interesting information that I wish I'd had when I had to do a family tree project in 7th grade. The even better news is that there is a PDF copy of all the info that I can have and keep on hand for whenever my kids have to do a similar project.

Monday morning was a slow one that we used to pack up all our stuff and get ready for the trip home. We had one last luncheon together before everyone headed their separate ways. We had hoped the kids would sleep on the way home, but we made a few stops and they didn't really get the chance.

We stopped in Tennessee just to say we'd stopped in Tennessee. Then just inside the Virginia border, Ken had to go to Cabela's. The kids loved looking at all the animals inside, especially the fish tank.

He said he was picking out dinner!

We stopped for dinner near Wytheville and made it home late Monday night. It was a long trip with lots of driving, but the family tome together made it absolutely worth it!

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