Friday, March 25, 2016

Blogging A to Z in April

I started this blog back in December of 2007. That seems like such a long time ago to me! Since then, I've blogged in different ways and for different reasons. Most of the time blogging has made me happy, but there are times that it has upset me or stressed me out. There have been stretches where I've blogged every day during the week and some stretches where I only blogged once a month.

Lately, I've gotten out of the habit of blogging and being active within the blogging community. I miss it. I want to get back into better habits, but I didn't really know how. Then I read something about the April challenge of Blogging from A to Z and my mind started working.

I've seen friends participate in the challenge before and I've always felt like it wouldn't work for me. I had too many other obligations dictating my content and I didn't want to add in another. Well, since I've been in a writing slump lately, I thought maybe it would be a good time to check it out. I messaged a friend who had done it before and she filled me in with what she knew. It sounded even more appealing when I learned that there isn't really a right way to do this challenge. There aren't any hard and fast rules!

In a very positive use of peer pressure, I told Lydia that I'd do it if she would and we both agreed! Now I've got someone to help keep me accountable, and a partial list of blog topics to go with for the month of April. You didn't really expect me to have it all planned out before I jumped in feet first, did you? If so, you obviously don't know me very well!

My theme for the month will be "back to basics." I want to go back to the reasons I started blogging in the first place. I want to remind myself of all the ways it brings me joy. And I want to push myself to write without worrying about who reads it. It feels good to set a challenge for myself. I hope you'll enjoy it as well.

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