Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Beauty or Blahs: Which do you Choose?


I'm tired. I did not sleep well last night. I was up twice; once for the bathroom and once to re-cover a cold child. I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning.

Also? We have a dead fish. The kids didn't notice (They think he's hiding in the Dumdum head) so I am going to attempt my first fish swap on my lunch break.
RIP Little Cutie (He's one of the tiger barbs at the base of the plants. I can't tell them apart and I hope the kids can't either!

It's raining. I remembered my umbrella, but I stuck the end of it in the mud and then gracefully wiped it across the back of my pants.

And I left my keys at home and had to track down the housekeeper to let me into my office.

Is it Monday? I feel like there's a lot going on today trying to bring me down.

But you know what? On the way to school Benjamin was singing, "Rain, rain, thank you for coming!"

I laughed and asked him about it. He said he was happy for the rain because it makes fun puddles. And he kept singing in his sweet little voice. How can you not smile at that?

And this rain also helps the flowers to bloom and trees to bud. It's a nice spring rain; actually more of a drizzle. I didn't really need that umbrella I walked in with this morning.

I have a choice today and every other day I am blessed with. I can choose to focus on the negative and let myself be dragged down into a spiral of complaints and despair.

On the other hand I can choose to focus on the beauty. The sweet little boy who likes rain because it makes puddles. The trees that are turning white and pink and green. The housekeeper who says walking up two flights of stairs to let me into my office is a nice break. (I think she's in on this "choice" thing too!)

I'll be honest. There are plenty of times that I don't choose to see the beauty. The are times that I allow myself to wallow in the negative. But, I feel lucky that I am usually able to shake the "blahs" pretty quickly.

Have you seen this new ad from Dove? I think it's beautiful. When given the choice of where to focus your attention, what do you choose? Which door would you walk through?

I'm linking up with the 1 Word Blog challenge. This week's words are lucky and beauty.


  1. I love this Rabia and I do try to see the beauty in each day as much as I can, but yes there are times that it is so very difficult, but I think as long as we try each day, I give us a big "A" for effort ;)

  2. On days when so much is going wrong, it's definitely hard to see and appreciate beauty. I'm always thankful when something happens or when someone says something (like your young son did) that makes me take pause and see the beauty I was missing. I absolutely love your post, Rabia. And that commercial is awesome! I hadn't seen it before. Thanks so much for sharing it and linking up today! :)

  3. Thanks for this, Rabia. I am having a serious case of the blahs and I need to change that.

  4. I definitely think blahs or weather related. I rarely feel so blah on a beautiful perfect temp day. But it also comes down to doing something for yourself to make you feel good about yourself like walking through that beautiful door. Thanks for sharing that video!

  5. All you can do is try your best, Janine! :)

  6. I know it's a commercial, but I really think it has a beautiful message!

  7. I get the blahs every February, so I feel like I just got back on track. You've gotta keep looking for the good and celebrate every little bit that you can find!

  8. I'm waiting for the real sunshine to show up and stick around, Kenya. I think you are so right!!

  9. I saw this ad from Dove. It is fabulous! You are right, there is so much where our decided attitude will make the difference.

  10. The ad is great!
    I know in California with the severe drought, they would love our rain! I have to remind myself of that when I complain. I can't stand rain. I get the blahs big time.

  11. I love that Benjamin was singing a song of thanks for the rain :) It's amazing how kids can both aggravate us and bring us back to the present and grateful for what it is, not what goes 'wrong'.

  12. I can usually shake the blahs quickly too. And that ad made me cry - I would definitely choose beautiful. Everyone should.

  13. I read once that "someone, somewhere would be happy with your castoffs." It's a great perspective to keep in mind when you've got the blahs!

  14. He sings the greatest songs!! He sings Alleluia in the middle of church. He sings loud blessings in restaurants. He sings all the time!!

  15. I hope I would and I hope my daughter would!

  16. Love this - there are definitely days that I give in to the blahs - so awesome when it's a child who helps us shake it off!!!

  17. It's hard to be mad around Ben for very long. He sings all day!!


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