Tuesday, March 3, 2015

A Rose by any Other Name

Today for Unique Names Day we're supposed to be renaming ourselves. The topic that we advertised is to think of ten names we might like to try. However, I'm just not going to follow the rules! I like my name. I get that some people named Jennifer, Mark, or Emily might get tired of always having to add an initial when referring to themselves. On the other hand, I've never had that issue. Of course, I've never found my name on a pencil, t-shirt, or key chain in the souvenir shop, but we all have our crosses to bear.

Instead of ten names that I'd like to try out, I thought I'd tell you ten names I have gone by in my life.

  1. Rabia--Well of course I've gone by my own name. That's how my parents intended it! If you want to see the story behind my name you can click here.
  2. Rabie-june--I think I've explained this one before too. In Farsi the suffix 'june' is an endearment. Since my parents lived in the Middle East and spoke the language for so long, the term stuck around and frequently gets appended to my name.
  3. Poopsie--My dad's kinda silly. That's where I get it from, I guess. He's always called me his Poopsie. Sometimes, if I'm really lucky, I get to be Poopsie-june.
  4. Sissy--I don't honestly recall if my brother called me this growing up, but I do know Alan uses it now. And we call Frances Sissy quite often as well.
  5. Miss Brainard--That was my maiden name. When I started working in schools during my college classes that's what all the kids called me. It was always strange to hear. Mrs. Brainard is my mother!
  6. Mrs. Lieber--Way back in June of 2001 I changed my name when I got married. I taught 2nd grade for three years as Mrs. Lieber. The first year it took a lot of getting used to!
  7. Mommy--The name I am most frequently known by these days. The kids have tried out 'Mama' and 'Mom," but I'm not fond of either of those. Mommy it is!
  8. When I left teaching in the public schools, I took a position in a private preschool. The kids there always referred to me as Ms. Rabia. The kids I teach at church frequently still call me that. Some of the kids' friends call me Ms. Rabia too, but most of them call me "Frances' mom," "Henry's mom," or "Benjamin's mom."
  9. MamaRab or MamaRabia--That's a name that came about at my current job. I work with college students now. I've gotten to know some of them quite well and become close with a number of them. Megan is the one who started this nickname back when she was asking life advice or bumming Advil and bandaids off of me during her shifts. I liked the name so much, I borrowed it as my Twitter and Instagram handles.
  10. Raybeeya, Robbie-bibbia, Robie, Rabby, etc.--Obviously with a strange and unique name you get lost of mispronunciations. These are some of my favorites. The second one is only used by my friend Stacey as a reference to how badly one of my preschool parents used to butcher my name! I will say it comes in quite handy for weeding out the telemarketers, though!
Do you like your name? Have you ever thought about changing it? What would you prefer to go by if you had the choice?

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Come link up again next Mar 10- (March 9 is Panic Day) 10 Things that make you panic. No pressure, or anything!

The Liebers


  1. Like you, I actually do like my name even if when I was younger liked the name Jennifer better. Now I could imagine any other name though to be quite honest.

  2. Interesting, unlike you I have a fairly common place name but I've always like it well enough so I probably wouldn't change it. I was having this very conversation with my daughter the other day, she is nearly 16 and said that although she doesn't hate her name she wishes it were something a little bit different. The name she would have chosen was Violet after my Grandmother. It was a name I considered when she was born but her father didn't like it. On reflection I wish I had used it as I was very close to my Grandmother and it's a pretty name which would suit my daughter very well.

  3. Karen @ BakingInATornadoMarch 3, 2015 at 10:23 AM

    I think it's great that you like your name and twisted the prompt a little to talk about all the variations over the years. Although I'm a mom and am still called Mom by my oldest, my youngest has taken to calling me Karen these days. I guess that's a lot better than other things he could call me . . .

  4. We need to stick together, us oddly named girls. I love my name too!

  5. StacySewsandSchoolsMarch 3, 2015 at 12:42 PM

    I always tell the kids that if I hear "mom" one more time, I will change my name and not tell them what it is. ;)
    I've gone through periods where I hated my name but I think I am OK with it now.

  6. You do get used to t after a while, don't you. I'll be honest, though, there are times when I can go the whole day without anyone actually saying my name! Just a lot of Mommys and Ma'ams.

  7. I've tried changing my name from Mommy too. It never works, though, does it?

  8. That's sweet that she would have preferred her grandmother's name. My daughter is named after both of my grandmothers. She loves hearing the story of why we picked those names for her.

  9. #Solidarity!! You are certainly the most awesome Echo I've ever met!

  10. My kids used to call me Ms. Rabia when I taught pre-school. Sometimes it was because they got so used to the other kids doing it, but a few times it was because I was intentionally ignoring them!

  11. I didn't know there was a story behind your Twitter handle - MamaRabia is sweet. I asked my son if he ever wished he could change his name, and like you he said no. Whew - parenting win!

  12. Love this linkup - I even refreshed an old post (read: dusted off) for the occasion! I think you'd be "Rabes" to me.

  13. I linked up a similar oldie. I love my name too and never have found it on anything either. I did use a fake name to give along with my fake phone number to give to boys who I met in the mall when I was a teenager. That name was Denise. LOL to Rabby. That person didn't even try. I'm going to link over to the meaning behind your name.

  14. I'm with Dana - love the story behind your twitter name!
    I have always thought my name was boring - oh well, easy to spell and remember!!

  15. I liked reading the story of your name! And of course, I was pronouncing it wrong in my head (RAY-be-uh). My name isn't one I would choose, but I'm used to it. I was definitely one of several Christys growing up, and it gets annoying when people think I'm saying Kristen, Christine, etc.

  16. I love what you did with this! I though about the nickname route, but couldn't come up with 10.

  17. Sheesh what was up with millions of mothers naming their children Jennifer? I guess that is why in modern days we have started calling kids apple and stuff. do your kids laugh when your Dad calls you Poopsie?

  18. What a great idea for a post! And I love your name. It's so unique. I also love that June is an endearment. Yesterday, I was walking down the hall at my son's school and heard someone yelling "Jack's Mom! Hey, Jack's Mom!" Finally I turned around realizing that he was calling ME.

  19. I've always had a secret wish to give some guy a fake name and number, but I'm not sure I'd ever really be able to do it!!

  20. Thanks Eli! Does it rhyme with babes? ;)

  21. I'm pretty sure my kids like their names, I've never asked.
    I tried to get MamaRab, but that was taken. My students still call me that on occasion, though.

  22. I like the name Dana. I think I only know two of them. It's certainly easier to spell and pronounce!

  23. Lots of people pronounce it with RAY at the beginning. I still answer to it. Christy is one of those names that is pretty common, but spelled lots of different ways!

  24. The nickname came to me in a flash and I was worried there wouldn't be ten. I was surprised when I got to the end and there were!

  25. Jennifer, Jessica, Melissa...those are the names I grew up with! Now, names are a lot stranger!
    My kids smile when he calls me Poopsie, but I think they're used to it. He calls my daughter that too, now.

  26. LOL!! When kids call me 'Ben's mom', I call them 'Ben's friend.' Or if I know their parents I might call them 'Julie's kid" or 'Jack's son.' They always give me a funny look!


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