Tuesday, September 9, 2014

#TuesdayTen: I am Wonderful; I am Weird

Apparently, today is "Wonderful Weirdos Day" according to the Internet. It's a day set aside to celebrate all the weird, wonderful, unique things that make us who we are. Some people might choose to wear a silly costume for the day or binge watch some Monty Python. Lisa and I decided to host a linkup in honor of the day!

Today instead of listing 10 weird things about myself (you can see a list of 20 random things about me here), I thought I'd cheat and change up my own linkup...just because I can!!

Relateable--I am a pretty down to Earth person. I think most people can relate to me.
Awesome--Ask my kids! They'll tell you that I'm pretty awesome!
Bookish-- I like to read. 'Nuff said.
Inane--It means silly. I looked it up!
Academic--I work in a university setting. I have three kids in school. I like to learn.

Amusing-- People laugh with me...at least I'm pretty sure they're laughing with me! Maybe they're laughing at me!!
Neighborly--I am friendly to those around me.
Nutty--While I do enjoy a handful of almonds as an afternoon snack, I mean this is the funny/strange way. 
Empathetic--I frequently find myself in other people's shoes...figuratively, of course. Otherwise that would be...weird!

Loving--I don't think I need to explain this one.

And now I'm out of letters!

Are you a weirdo? Or do you prefer to walk the straight and narrow? Are you wearing a clown wig today?  Share in the comments or link up your own post below!


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Come link up again next Tuesday, September 16th, when the topic will be Ten Jobs You'd Like to Try
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The Liebers

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