Tuesday, August 19, 2014

#TuesdayTen: Say Cheese!

I cleaned off my phone last week because it's been running slow and getting on my nerves. I had a moment of panic when I deleted everything off the camera roll and then discovered that half of my pictures hadn't transferred to my computer!  Luckily I somehow had iCloud turned on and I was able to recover my pictures. That's good because no one wants to lose pictures. It's also good because this week I am supposed to post ten random pictures on my phone and tell the story behind them.  It sounds like the complete antithesis to Wordless Wednesday, which is find with me because I'm no good at Wordless Wednesday anyway!

I've picked my ten latest pictures that I think deserve to be showed off and explained. I'm pretty sure I haven't posted any of these before, so they should all be new to you!

1. These cool steps are in the office to which we were re-located for the summer. We've move pack to our regular digs finally, but I miss these steps a little bit!
2. I got some new jewelry from my pre-beach jewelry party. I tried out the earrings immediately, but I hadn't found the perfect outfit to wear with my new favorite necklace. One morning I pulled out this shirt and decided that would be the day!  Love it!!
 3. Frances had strep throat last week. Thankfully she got it right before school started instead of after. Plus she loves amoxicillian, so she was excited to be prescribed "the pink stuff." She came to work with me two days since she couldn't go to camp. This is how she decided to read a book and play in the iPad while she was there.
 4. Benjamin hates getting his picture taken!! The only times I can get him are when I sneak it or when he wants to see what he looks like. He requests a picture so he can look at himself. This was the night after his newest haircut. Two minutes before this photo was taken he was screaming bloody murder because I made him take a bath to rinse the hair off him.
 5. I snuck this picture of him at the fair. He wouldn't make eye contact with me for the rest of the ride. In my defense, though, he saw a friend of his on the other side of the ride and spent most of the ride yelling at him and laughing.
 6.  One of the highlights of the end of summer is the JMU Faculty/Staff Picnic. They go all out with amazing food, fun entertainment, free beer and wine and this year they had an area set up with fun for the kids. There were dress up clothes and free face painting among other things.  This cutie loved dressing up and coming to get his picture taken!
 7. I waited in line for about an hour and half for the face painting station. Notice I didn't say the kids waited in line, because they most definitely didn't. They were off playing but I was fortunate enough to be in line with a friend so we enjoyed pleasant conversation the entire time. When we got to the front of the line, I called the kids back and they got their faces painted.  Frances got this beautiful face mask, complete with glitter and jewels!
 8. I can't believe I'm showing off another selfie! I seriously never take pictures of myself.  Then I realize I need a picture of myself and I don't have any.  This was a few nights ago while the kids were riding their bikes in the cemetery. Mine had a flat, so I walked laps while they ride around in circles.
 9.  For the Last Hurrah the kids asked for a bike ride. Since I had a flat, I drove my bike down to the bike shop and had them fix it. Then we drive home, got on our bikes, and rode back to the pizza place next to the bike shop!  This place has HUGE pizzas!  An entire pie is almost the width of the store's doorway. I had serious doubts when the guy took a box out to some people eating outside.  One slice takes up two paper plates!  It was good pizza though!
 10. I was sorting out some old papers last night and I came across this picture. I immediately took a picture of it to send to Ken.  If the date stamp is correct, Frances was not quite two. My heart melts!!

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