Tuesday, March 18, 2014

#TuesdayTen: What's in my Purse Shoulder Bag

A few weeks ago someone asked me what was in my purse and the internet was astounded at how little I carry with me on a regular basis. My teeny-tiny little purse is a revolt against the years I spent carrying a diaper bag stuffed with everything but the kitchen sink. It's very liberating carrying nothing more than my phone, ID, credit cards, and a few bucks in cash.
However, there is more to it than that. While I don't carry my shoulder bag everywhere I go, I do take it back and forth to work every day. So in order to go along with the theme and to be able to list 10 things, I've decided to dump my shoulder bag out on the floor and tell you...
10 Things in my Purse Shoulder Bag:
  1. Silverware-I try not to use disposable stuff when I eat my lunch at work, so there always seem to be spoons and forks floating around in the bottom of my bag.
  2. Change-Since I only really carry this bag back and forth to work, I'm not sure how it got change in it, but I guess I can remember a few times while I was cleaning at home and tossed some coins in there for lack of a better place to put them.
  3. Writing utensils-It looks like two pencils and three pens. Not that I can ever find them when I need them, but apparently they are there!
  4. Books-I work in a library and I love to read. This one should be fairly obvious. One is a devotional book for women, a Jodi Picoult I checked out (and haven't ready yet) on the recommendation of Tamara and Michelle, a St. Patrick's Day picture book, and the owner's manual for my van (See Daddy, I was gonna read it!!)
  5. A toy cell phone-I think it's my mom's old phone that she gave to Benjamin. Again, I'm not sure I know why it's there, but I could take a guess that it involves a certain cute little three year old.
  6. Coupons-a free McDonald's ice cream cone Frances earned at school, a Dairy Queen coupon book I got in the mail, and a register coupon from Food Lion for cereal.
  7. My car insurance card that really belongs in my wallet...OK done! Finally in there!
  8. Stationery-I have a penpal! I owe her a letter and I've been meaning to write it, so I took the stationery to work with me. I also owe Ken's grandmother a letter because she's written to me and I like writing her.
  9. iDevice ear buds-I can never find these things when I need them! Hopefully, next time I'm looking, I'll remember writing this.
  10. My keys-I get teased about having a lot of keys, but I can't seem to pare them down. I have them all on a carabiner so I can easily take off the set I need and keep the rest together.
Now if, you'll excuse me, I have a mess on the living room floor to clean up! You can share the contents of your purse in the comments or link up your own post below.

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The Teacher Wife

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