Tuesday, February 25, 2014

#TuesdayTen: 10 Things that Happen on a Perfect Day

This Tuesday, we are venturing into fantasy land and pondering what would happen on a perfect day. It's fun to think about even if there is no such thing as a perfect day. Or perhaps I have a rich, well-connected admirer out there who has been waiting to make my {perfect} day and just needs a blueprint. In that case, here it is!!
Perfect Day

  1. To start my perfect day everyone in my house would wake up fully rested. That means no alarms clocks, no requests for TV or breakfast, no full bladders making me get out of bed before my body is completely done sleeping.
  2. In addition to being fully rested, we are not going to have a lot of required plans today, so it's going to be a Saturday that Ken doesn't work.
  3. After we wake up (fully rested) and get dressed, we'll have a nice breakfast. I actually like cooking, so I don't mind making breakfast, just as long as the "perfect day" scenario is in place and my kitchen is 50% bigger and 100% cleaner than normal.
  4. After all of my children have eaten their fill, we are going to go out for a hike, because of course, it's a sunny, warm day.
  5. We will get to the hike location and everyone will don their backpack for the hike. Of course, being a perfect hike we will see the most amazing wildlife and greenery. Each animal that we will see will turn to us in that classic "looking over the shoulder" pose that photographers love and I will capture each of them perfectly with my nice camera (that I actually know how to use).
  6. Midway through our hike, as we are starting to get a little tired and hungry (since everyone is walking and no one is demanding to be carried or whining about being thirsty) we will reach the top of the mountain. After we look out over the majestic views and bask in the splendor of God's creation, we will unpack the nicely prepared picnic lunch that we bought with us.
  7. We will leisurely eat our lunch while spread out on our picnic blanket. After lunch everyone will take a brief nap in the sunshine (which will, of course, not burn anyone's skin while they are sleeping). If anyone is not in the mood for a nap after all the wonderful sleep they got last night, they are welcome to read a book.
  8. When everyone is rejuvenated from their break, we will start the hike back down the mountain. We will take a sightly different route, which will bing us to a beautiful mountain lake. This lake is fed by clear hot springs from somewhere deep in the mountain, and since I thought ahead to pack our swim suits, we'll all take a dip in the wonderful 100ยบ water.
  9. After our refreshing swim, we'll finish our hike down the mountain and head home. We will arrive home to the smells of a wonderful dinner I prepared for the crockpot before we left. While we are waiting for dinner to finish cooking, we'll play a few board games as a family. Everyone will get a turn to win and we'll each congratulate the winner without whining or complaining about cheating or changing the rules.
  10. After dinner the kids will wash up and get ready for bed. They'll kiss us good night and get into bed for story time. After such a vigorous day, they'll each fall asleep on the last line of the chapter I am reading and be breathing softly as I leave the room to go watch a movie on the couch with Ken. Since this is my perfect day, we'll munch on popcorn together and both stay awake throughout the entire movie.
So there you go, oh rich and well-connected benefactor. I truly don't ask for much on my perfect day. And here's the blueprint you've been waiting for. You have some time to get everything set up, since it looks like this imaginary day takes place sometime in June. Thanks in advance! Can't wait for the day!!

How about you? Do you have a prefect day scenario? Link up yours and/or leave a comment about it below. And now back to reality...

Your Tuesday Ten hostesses are:


The Teacher Wife

We hope you have enjoyed our Tuesday Ten Lists!  If so, please link up one of your own and share using #TuesdayTen!
1) Link up a post, old or new, pertaining to the Tuesday Ten topic for this week and add our Tuesday Ten button to the post or to your sidebar.
2) Please do not link up contests, product reviews, or sponsored posts.
3) Visit your hostesses and follow them on social media.
4) Visit as many other linked posts as you can and show those bloggers some love by commenting and/or sharing!

Come link up again next Tuesday, March 4th when the topic will be "Your Favorite Recipes" in honor of National Nutrition Month & Mardi Gras!
 Get your pinnable content ready to go!


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