Thursday, February 27, 2014

Easy Pork BBQ in the Crock Pot {Recipe}

Mondays are crock pot day at my house.  Typically that's a day that Ken works late and I have the kids by myself.  I try to get something ready on Sunday night so I can put it in the crock pot Monday morning and then come home to a dinner ready to go.  This week, the crock pot experiment was a total bust!  I put rice and chicken in there. I followed the recipe I found, but it did not end well. The rice was like a mushy glue and the chicken was dry.  We ate it.  It didn't taste bad. It just wasn't delicious or palate pleasing. I dumped the leftovers that night.

But the week before?  That was excellent! We had found a pork shoulder butt (hehehe!) on markdown at the grocery store for $12 something.  I took it home with the plan to toss it in the crock pot over the weekend and make some yummy barbecue.  It turned out really well and made enough food for at least five dinners, so it was quite a bargain!

You'll need:
 1 onion, sliced
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 pork shoulder butt (hehehe!-Sorry, I'm immature!)
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp ground cumin
2 cups of chicken or vegetable broth
Your favorite BBQ sauce, to taste (optional)

You also need a crock pot liner because one time I didn't use one (like my Mommy said I should) and I ended up soaking the crock for two days to clean it out afterwards! Lesson learned! Use a liner!

Put the liner in your crock and place onion slices along the bottom. Sprinkle with minced garlic.  Next take all your spices and mix them together and rub onto the meat.  (Now your hands will smell like cumin and garlic all day!)  Place the meat on top of the onions and garlic, and then carefully pour your liquid around the edges.  Pop the lid on and set it.  My crock pot has four settings and I always use the longest, since I'm gone for a 9-10 hour day.  You can use whichever setting works for your schedule.

After the meat has cooked, pull it out of the crock and put it into another bowl.  It should shred very easily, either with two forks pulling against each other, or your hands if it's had time to cool.  You can add some of the liquid from the crock if it seems too dry.

I divided this meat into five sections (four freezer bags and the frying pan).  The meat in the bags, I left alone. To the meat in the frying pan, I added some barbecue sauce we had on hand and heated it up. We had it for dinner on Saturday night. I meant to take a picture of the finished product, but we ate it all! Sorry!

The rest of the meat is in the freezer and ready to pull out for dinner in a snap!

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