Saturday, May 26, 2012

Dance Recital, Take Five

Frances had her dance recital on Saturday evening.  As I sat with the other parents at the rehearsal on Friday, I tried to remember how many recitals she's had.  She had the red one with the teddy bear,
the purple one, the polka dotted one with pants, the blue sparkly one and then this year.

This year I was especially proud of her and her class because this is the first year that they did not need to stare off-stage to remember their moves. They actually all had the dance memorized and did their individual parts beautifully.
My mom and dad came up for the performance, and Ken's dad was able to make it as well.  Henry sat with my mom, but he came down to my end of the row a few times to mention things he recognized.  He like the kids that danced to "I Want Candy" ("Are they singing about candy!?!?") and he loved the "One Eyed, One Horned, Flying Purple People Eater."  Benjamin stood in front of me for almost the entire show. After each dance he would clap for a minute and then turn around and say "MORE!"  It was so cute!!

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