Friday, July 3, 2009

MckLinky Blog Hop, take one

Welcome to the Liebers' blog. This blog is a place for me to record our daily lives so that I have a permanent memory of our life as a family. I have never been good at keeping a journal, so this is what works for me. It also allows friends and family who are not physically close to be updated on what we are doing. I love to post pictures of my two kids and especially love making videos of my kids just being themselves. When they are grown I will be able to look back and see them in all the stages of their lives-plus I will have lots of blackmail for future boyfriends/girlfriends and some great embarrassments for the wedding receptions!


MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Hi, I'm here for the blog hop... Happy 4th of July!

  2. Stopping by from the Blog Hop!!!

    Now I'm craving some cherries... Wonder why? Hehe!

  3. Helloooooo just hopping by. Your family is beautiful.

  4. I'm out blog hopping, just wanted to say hi!

  5. Hoppin by to say hello! Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. OMGosh, I totally misread your intro. and had to re-read it quickly. I read especially "love making videos" not that you love to make videos, but that you posted videos of uh-oh. LOL - you gave me quite a chuckle there. Maybe I have read one too many blogs today. Happy blog hopping.

  7. Stopping by from the blog hop to say hello. Have a great weekend.

  8. Out Blog Hoppin today! Nice to meet you!
    I'm a homeschool / SAHM to 3 -- Living in Louisiana -- Hope you come by to visit.

    Have a Happy Fourth!

  9. I’m Blog Hopping! Hope you have a happy and safe 4th of July.

    Please stop by Lin's Duck and Wheel With String to vote for me, Lola, in her First Official Dork-Off Contest. Vote for my photo, because my kindergarten photo is THE dorkiest.


  10. ////stopping by from blog hop. yummy bachground!
    feel free to drop by. you are more than welcome at my blog :)

  11. Hopping in from the blog hop to say hello. Have a fun and safe Independents Day :)

  12. Hopping checking out the new blogs. love the cherries on your design. Hope you are having a great weekend.

  13. Hopping by!Nice to meet you. I am Not John Chow. Stop by my blog and say Hi! Some time.


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