Wednesday, January 10, 2018

My Morning Routine #Reflect52

This is perhaps not the best time to write about this topic. I'm cold and yawning and my eyes are watering because I'm tired. I slept from about 9 last night until 3 this morning. I read for about an hour and then tried to go back to sleep. My sleep cycles have been messed up and it's been a long time since I slept straight through the night.

The result is that my mornings start much earlier than I'd like them to. I'm usually up for the day by 5, but not in the mood to get out of bed. My alarm goes off at 6, and today is the first morning since Christmas break that I actually needed to get moving at that point. The kids are finally back to a full day of school!

In the hour between waking up and getting out of bed, I have a number of options. I often think about getting up and starting some chores, but who am I kidding?! That's not going to happen. It would be nice to get up and have a leisurely breakfast, but I don't often feel like eating that early and I'm afraid that if I get up, I'll wake up the rest of the household.

I choose to stay in bed. Some mornings I read on my phone. Some mornings, I snuggle or chat with Ken. This morning's conversation started out with the question of whether he'd choose to give up tacos or hamburgers and somehow evolved into laughing about flying squirrels.

These are good, relationship building talks. Sometimes, when one or the other of us is feeling grouchy from lack of sleep they are a little harder to initiate. Those mornings, what I'd really like to do is for us to pray together. We don't do that often and we really should. I think it would make for a much better start to my day and his.

Ultimately, I need to get my sleeping patterns figured out. That will require making the doctor's appointment I've been putting off. Nothing to it but to do it, I guess.

OK, done. I've got an appointment in two weeks. That was certainly easier than I had expected and of course I feel silly for putting it off. Hopefully I can get some answers.

If I could at least sleep til 5 and then have prayer and conversation time with Ken, I'd be absolutely delighted.

What do you do first thing in the morning?

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