Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Life is Good #Reflect52

A couple of times recently I've been really exhausted come bedtime. The kids' bedtime, I mean, not mine! Actually, the truth is I go to bed shortly after them most nights! But on the nights in question I was almost too tired to even do that. After we all had pajamas on, the kids and I all ended up in my bed together. The boys wanted me to read "A Wrinkle in Time" but I was too tired. So Frances read to us. And I feel asleep. And when she was done with the chapter, they said goodnight and turned out all the lights for me. It was kinda precious.

I had a bunch of books checked out over the Christmas holiday. I didn't get to read all of them, but the stack on my bedside table changed a few times and Henry noticed it. He brought me one of the books he got for his birthday and told me he thought I'd really enjoy it.  Frances has given me a number of book recommendations over the past few months. Apparently she's also been doling out books to her friends at school and they've been sharing them with their parents!

Speaking of Frances...we just attended the open house and electives fair for the high school she will be attending next year. I'll say that again: My daughter will be in high school next year! Y'all watched her go off to Kindergarten and soon she'll be a freshman! Now she's deciding on which classes to take in high school and starting to think more seriously about what she wants to do when she grows up.

We're taking a break from soccer and dance things this semester in order to be able to have more purposeful family time and down time. So far, the mental load itself is much better. I'm looking forward to Saturday trips instead of soccer games and more dinners at home around the table.

My kids are growing up and I'm okay with that. I'm pretty proud of the people they are becoming. Life doesn't get easy as your kids get older, it just gets a different kind of difficult. We've moved out of the diapers and sippy cups stage and are moving into the arguing about fashion choices and showering stage!

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