Tuesday, October 27, 2015

10 Reasons It's Important to have a Positive Attitude

I've been called a Pollyanna before. Also? Susie Sunshine. I didn't take it as an insult. I think it's important to have a positive attitude. And as I've gotten older, I've learned that there's a lot of science behind the power of positive thinking (see here, here, and here, for example).

1. I regularly remind my kids that they are in charge of their actions and reactions. Your sibling didn't "make you hit them!" You chose to do that. I also tell them that they can't control another person, they can only control how they react to others. I hope that I am putting the power of a positive attitude into their heads at an early age.


3. A positive attitude is important because how we view things. Once upon a time, in real life, though, a scientist named Bob Rosenthal did an experiment in his lab to test more than just rats' behavior. He labeled once cage "smart rats" and the other cage "dumb rats." And...SPOILER ALERT: the smart rats outperformed the dumb rats on all the assessments. Except, the rats were really all the same; from the same supplier. Why did the "smart rats" do better? Because the lab assistants expected them to.

4. We all grew up hearing the story of the Little Engine That Could, right? You are that engine. If you believe that you cannot do a thing, they it's likely that you won't even attempt it. However, if you believe that you can, you've already given yourself a slight edge on the motivation it takes to accomplish something.


6. My mom has always advised me to "put on some lipstick" when I don't feel well. I used to think it was silly advice, and I often ignored it (sorry, mom) but now I realize the truth behind her words. If you are sick and you slop a lazy ponytail out the side of your head and wear sweatpants for three days, you are giving yourself no incentive to feel better. On the other hand, if you dress nicely and make an effort to go about your day, I'll bet people will notice! I wear my best outfits on the days when I wake up with the worst attitude. Call me what you like, but compliments perk me up right away!

Tweet: Never underestimate the power of positive thinking! http://ctt.ec/b70VK+ via @MamaRabia
"Tweet: Never underestimate the power of positive thinking! http://ctt.ec/b70VK+ via @MamaRabia"

7. Positive thinking also allows you to take set backs and derailments in stride. Did you have a really crappy day? Don't wallow in that ish! Acknowledge that it happened, learn what you can and remind yourself that no matter what, tomorrow is another day!

8. Attitudes are not magnetic. Opposites don't have to attract. In fact, when it comes to a positive attitude, you'll repel negative. Or, more accurately, you'll transform it. People don't want to spend all their time with a Negative Nellie. People will naturally seek out goodness and sunshine. If you're putting it out there, people will come your way. All they'll bring their positive attitude with them and both of yours will increase!



Are you feeling a little more upbeat now? I hope so!!

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Next week, November 3, we'll be linking up "10 Things you Want to be Remembered For."

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