Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Liebers: Halftime Report

It's hard to believe that 2015 is halfway over. Technically a little more, since I'm a bit behind! I've attempted to do an update of my yearly goals each month, and although I haven't been 100% with my updates, I'm still working on it. If you fall off the wagon, you've got to get back on, after all!

I've been feeling in a bit of a funk lately, so I'm afraid that might color this update, but I'm posting it anyway because it needs to be done and crossing things off my to do list makes me happy!

The Good

Good news!! I haven't been yelling as much as I used to! I'm not sure if the change is due to the children's behavior improving or my standards being more realistic. I think it's honestly a combination of the two. All three kids have been acting much more grown up lately, and I'm really enjoying this stage with them. I've noticed that in giving Frances and Henry more responsibilities, they act more responsible! Frances has been a big help at home and I was so proud of her at Vacation Bible School when she and a friend were in charge of a group of Kindergartners. Henry has gotten a much better handle on his emotions and doesn't lash out nearly as much as he used to.

The Bad

Health-wise, I've not been keeping track of my walking like I used to. I think I've actually been walking more, though, just because I've had tasks that take me around the building as well as different drop offs for the kids for summer camps. I've actually lost about 4 pounds, but I'm not sure if that's because I've been walking or because I haven't felt like eating for a while.

I set a goal to read 12 non-fiction books this year, and I've only finished two! I really haven't had much time for any reading at all, which makes me sad. The funny thing is that Ken has been home more in the evenings, which is nice, but it also means I haven't had a night to myself in quite a while.

The Ugly

Money-wise summer camps have kicked my butt! We had a few last minute opportunities come up that I really wanted to make happen. Unfortunately, that meant dipping into my savings, so much of the progress I had been making is gone. I keep telling myself that's what a backup fund is for. And when I hear about the amazing things my kids are able to do this summer, it feels mostly worth it.

Moving Forward

Blogging has been going well, but summertime always seems to be a less busy time. I've decided it's now or never with a newsletter, so I set up the list. If you'd like to join, I'd love to have you as a subscriber. I'll probably only update once a week or twice a month. I'd also like to have this list available to me for any special offers I might come across that I feel my readers might be interested in. You can sign up below.

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I've made a huge dent in my basement and gotten rid of a lot of stuff that we just don't need anymore. The kids have actually been playing down there and it means less mess in the main living areas and more room to play. We've made some progress upstairs, but not quite as much. We did get it clean enough that my brother can come spend part of the weekend with us and I'm really looking forward to that!

I hope you are having a great summer and making good progress on all your goals. This month I'm channeling the tortoise and reminding myself that slow and steady wins the race!

Linking up here today:Gratitude and Goals Linky Party


  1. Summer has definitely been slow here, as well and got to admit for the first time in the 3 plus years I have been blogging am going more with the flow on this than ever and quite enjoying the down time if I don't say so myself the very least ;)

  2. Uh-oh, don't make me revisit my New Year's resolutions!

  3. I subscribed!
    I totally get it about summer camp. It's eating my wallet!
    And blogging is so slow, but has been since before summer. I'm hoping everyone comes back in the fall. I miss everyone!

  4. I subscribed :)
    I haven't been doing well with my working out goals either, it is so hard. You're right about that's what a back up fund is for, the memories your kids will make at camp are worth a small setback. I'd love for you to link this post up to my weekly Gratitude and Goals linky.

  5. I am trying not to yell so much. Trying. I feel like it's getting better.

  6. Just signed up! If I had a basement it would be terrifying! So I think your huge dent is a BIG achievement! Let's hope we all survive this summer, no?

  7. Glad you're not yelling so much, Rabia! it's a terrible feeling when that happens to me. And one advice I love re: giving your kids responsibilities is to set high expectations. I think that's what happened with your kids. You set a high expectation that they will be responsible for this and that, and they met it. Versus setting low expectations, and kids will likely meet those too :/

  8. I am just getting those calendar things entered too. Crazy!!

  9. I think you are totally right, Nina! Frances has been acting grown up because I've been letting her be grown up. (Not too grown up, though!)

  10. I get a week (mostly) off next week. I'm hoping to get a bunch more work done. Plus we get our new storm door installed, so then I can think about painting the porch.

  11. It's hard! Especially when you're out of the routine and away from home.

  12. I even made a workout goal part of my password. I type it at least 20 times a day and I'm still not quite doing it!!

  13. I just got paid yesterday and was stoked to realize there are no more camps to pay for out of it! I might be able to re-save parts of it!!

  14. It can't hurt to take a peek! LOL!

  15. I've been more laid back and not letting myself stress about self-imposed goals that only matter to me. That's been a big change!


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