Monday, March 16, 2015

My Kitchen View

I had a wonderful birthday weekend! My parents came up on Thursday and took us out to dinner. Friday I had the day off from work and my mom and I spent the day shopping. I got a new phone, some new (to me) clothes, fixed my windshield wipers, and finally got replacement blinds for my living room. We did a lot of driving around, but it gave us a good chance to chat and have fun together.

On Saturday, my dad helped me install the blinds and now we can have control of the light coming into our living room again. It was never really about the privacy because we have curtains, but any time we'd try to watch TV in the afternoon, the whole screen would be lit up like Christmas from the light outside. Even the street lights at night were a problem. But no more! And I don't have to look out at the trash cans in the driveway anymore either.

If there's a window I enjoy looking out of, it's my kitchen. The windows in the front of the house look out into the road and other people's houses. In the back of the house, I get trees. Our kitchen is two stories up since our basement is above ground in the back. I can look out and see the squirrels playing in the trees or watch birds as they fly back and forth.

It is from this vantage point that the trees tell me the weather and seasons. I've seen them covered in ice or snow. They are dripping wet when it rains; waving back and forth when it's windy; and hopefully soon budding out in anticipation of spring.

If I get close enough to the window, I can look down into the backyard. From here I can watch the kids while they play, or look for the ducks or bunny rabbits that sometimes visit. I can see the neighbor kids playing in their yard, or in the street (which freaks me out). I can see the evergreen tree we planted after Frances' first Christmas.

Sometimes when I'm looking out this window, I can forget that I'm washing dishes or cooking dinner. Sometimes I escape from whatever else is going on in the house to come gaze out this window. On occasion I lift the kids to the counter to look at a tree, or nest, or animal.

The kitchen is my favorite room with a view. 

I'm linking up with Jen and Celeste for #MommyReality challenge #31.

JENerally Informed


  1. Sounds like a lovely birthday weekend! It's nice that you got to spend so much time with your mom. I love having nice views out my windows, too- but we traded that in when we moved to a city. Grateful to have a small backyard, at least! Hope your Monday is going well so far, Rabia :)

  2. I love your kitchen window view and also so glad you had such a wonderful birthday this weekend, too!! ;)

  3. I wish my kitchen had a view! (Apartment living means I stare at a wall while washing dishes...) I love how you wrote this, I felt like I was right there looking out the window with you.

    I've also nominated you for the Sisterhood. How's about you stop by and play along?

  4. I love looking out my kitchen window, too! I can see across the street to the lake and it makes me happy!!!

  5. Aw, I miss having a kitchen window! I don't have one, but I used to and I can relate to getting lost washing dishes when you can look outside.

  6. The evergreen tree you planted is beautiful! I love your descriptions of your view at the different times of the year. It remains the same, but at the same time it is always changing. I am so glad you had a fun birthday and the blinds sound like the best present ever. No one likes to have the TV lit up like a Christmas tree when you are trying to watch.

  7. It was a wonderful birthday weekend. I got to spend some time with my mom without the kids around, which was nice. usually they hog all her time and attention and I don't get to talk to her!

  8. This is really the only window in the house worth looking out of. And from other angles, I can see the neighbors and their laundry, but I still like the view!

  9. A lake would be an awesome kitchen view!!

  10. Something has to make washing dishes less monotonous!

  11. The tree makes me a little sad, because we've outgrown the house, but when/if we move we'll have to leave the kids' trees behind. :(

  12. I too would be happy gazing out of your kitchen window.I bet it looks lovely in the autumn when the tree start to lose their leaves and you always have the little evergreen tree for a splash of colour.

  13. Right now our kitchen view is of snow and more snow. We got so much that it buried the whole yard! It was actually funny watching the last storm overtake Scarlet's bike handles. I can't wait to see them again!

  14. I do the same thing with zoning out of my kitchen window! Having a window above my sink was actually on my "want" list for when we were house-hunting. My last place didn't have a window above the sink and I really missed looking out when I was doing the dishes.

  15. That time of year is really pretty, Debbie. It's a great window to look out.

  16. Ugh! I think we are finally done with snow! There was a bit of a threat for tomorrow earlier in the week, but they've changed that now.

  17. Kitchens are a good place for a "zone out" window. I'm glad I have mine!


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