Tuesday, January 13, 2015

#TuesdayTen: How Would you Spend $10,000 in 10 Stores?

If you haven't already entered our #TuesdayTen birthday giveaway, you should go do that now!
The Christmas season is over. The boxes and bags have been packed up and put away in their basement or attic home for another year. The new toys have lost their luster. Santa's ever watching eye just doesn't carry the threat it did a mere six weeks ago. The bank account has almost recovered from the hit it took last month during that last minute shopping spree. So now's a good time for another shopping spree, right!?!
Well a virtual one, anyway. If you had $10,000 to spend in 10 different stores where would you go and what would you buy? I'm not a shop-a-holic. Truth be told, I don't really like shopping that much. But there are plenty of things I would buy if money were no object! Of course this post goes against everything I just wrote about with my word of the year, but the heart wants what it wants!
  1. Food Lion--That's probably a lame one to start with, but it's the store where I spend most of my money. I do my regular shopping there every week. So often that most of the cashiers know me. Not by name, but by the kids and the reusable bags I bring every week.
  2. Target--I'm not sure exactly what I need, but the giant red target calls to me and I must enter. Also, I know that now matter how short my list, I will inevitably spend $100 just by walking in the door.
  3. Lowe's--I need a new front door. Come to think of it a new back door would be nice too. And some nice ceiling tiles in the dining room. I'm gonna go ahead and get a new refrigerator since that's the last appliance that hasn't died on us yet.
  4. Michael's--All the craft supplies my heart desires! And places to store them, of course.
  5. Ragtime Fabrics--Mama needs some fabric to put together with her new sewing machine! And Some lessons, too. Those would count, right!?
  6. JC Penney--I'd stock up on clothes for the kids as well as some new stuff for me and Ken. I promise I'd get rid of the clothes we don't fit into anymore. Promise! (Except for the Twisted Sister shirt my brother bought me in the 80s. I'm holding on to that, holes and all!)
  7. The local car dealership--I'm happy with my van, but Ken needs a new truck and with all this free (fake) money, I'm gonna get him one. I'll even let him pick it out!!
  8. Best Buy--We have a desktop computer, but it's ancient and I'm not even sure it turns on anymore. Our printer is totally out of ink, and possibly broken anyway. Heck, if it's free money, we'd get a new flat screen TV and ditch the big entertainment center!
  9. Apple Store--My phone keeps crashing and freezing. I would really like a new one. Maybe a spare iPad so the kids can stop fighting over them. And Apple TV too. That would be awesome!
  10. Amazon.com--For everything else that I didn't think of, there's Amazon!
How about you? How would you spend $10,000 at ten stores? Link up your post below or tell me in the comments.


  1. You had me at Target! Seriously that red bullet calls to me all the time, too ;)

  2. Oh, I could do some damage at Target and Apple, and probably Lowe's too now that we're doing some home projects :-)

  3. Great way to spend your fake money, Rabia. :) This was a fun TuesdayTen question to answer. It was fun to pretend that we could go on a shopping spree and buy ourselves all the things that we've been wanting for a while.

  4. I just can't resist! And my kids love it there too!

  5. We've got a ton of home projects just waiting for funding. We'll just whittle away at them the old fashioned way, I guess!

  6. I love fake spending sprees! No guilt! No worries about where to put stuff! No hiding the receipts!!

  7. I love your list. I could probably spend it all at Target. Target = Trouble when I have extra money.

  8. We don't have a Food Lion here, but I could easily drop several hundred at our local Kroger's w/o blinking an eye. I have often told God in my personal prayers that if a windfall of money were ever to come my way, I would be a good steward and help people. So far my please are not working, probably because they sound the same as when my children beg for one more LEGO to add to their already huge collection :)

  9. Those are great choices! If my hubby got the money, her would definitely go to Lowe's, Best Buy, & apple!

  10. That's what we're doing! ;-)

  11. Ah, Target. Where a $20 shopping trip magically turns into $100. How does that happen? I hate to tell you Rabia, but I think you fake-spent more than $10,000!

  12. Target and Amazon would be two stores for me. I love them so much!

  13. I really love this prompt. I'd do Target for sure. Clothes, diapers, vitamins, all the little things I always want but never buy..
    I'd do $1,000 quite swiftly on Amazon for a lens or two. Probably I'd need $2,000 or $3,000 actually. Lenses are often over $1,000.
    So let's see.. Definitely $2,000 at Anthropologie buying sundresses.
    And definitely Whole Foods!

  14. Target is bad! Even when I go in for 1 thing I spend $100!!

  15. Food Lion is within walking distance for us, so it's become my go to. Plus my littlest one gets all the free cheese he wants at the deli!

  16. I didn't even think of sharing money with my hubby!! LOL!

  17. I don't think I've ever been to a Nordstroms. It's a department store, right?

  18. I guess I'll go into fake debt to match my real debt! At least fake interest isn't as bad as the real thing!!

  19. So much you can buy at just two stores!

  20. I'd spend a good chunk of it on amazon, but I'd also spend a lot at a few handmade shops I love! I am in love with Better Life Bags and really really want one (but they are so expensive)!

  21. Fake money is so much fun to spend, isn't it!!

  22. Fake spending sprees are perfect for splurging, NJ!


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