Friday, January 23, 2015

Five Minute Friday: Share

Something really funny happened last night as Ken and I were getting ready for bed. We laughed for about ten minutes and then we settled down. As I snuggled up close to him, I leaned over and whispered, "This is gonna make a great story for my blog!" and then we both dissolved into giggles again.

Except it's not really going to make a great story here. Mainly because I'm not going to share it. It was a private giggle and it's best left there. Please don't think I'm being a tease about it. I only mention it to point out that what you see here is only a small cross section of what goes on at my house and in my life.

There are lots of things I don't share on my blog. I don't have written criteria for how that works. I play it by ear and trust my heart. For the most part, what I share here is 95% about me. I share stories about my kids, but only in ways that I don't see having negative repercussions later. Ken is a much more private person, so I rarely share stories about him. That's the way he prefers it and I respect that. Those aren't my stories to tell.

I do share about myself though. I share about my struggles with faith. I share about my messy house. I share my trials and triumphs as a parent. My main goal in all of it? To be a 100% real person. I may not share all the bad, but I've never tried to make my life look better than it is. I hope to give an honest reflection of working motherhood and the life I lead. And I hope that helps other women, moms in particular, feel good about their own lives too.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you; encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community...


  1. I know exactly what you mean and lost count how many times I have said this is so a blog post in the making, but like you I also know when to leave some things better left unwritten, too :)

  2. There are definitely moments that I keep for myself! However, sometimes, something just asks to be on the blog, LOL!

  3. Although now I'm curious about your laughing session I totally get this! I only share things about my family that I know the boys and Chris are fine with me sharing. I don't think it's hiding things if I leave any of the negatives off - that is stuff we all have on occasion and work through:)

  4. I think it's good you consider carefully the things you share. It shows great wisdom. 😊

  5. Ooh good laughing sessions are the best. Great plan Rabia! There is only about 95 percent of my life I share on the blog as well. I share some moments with my children, but none that would embarrass them or hurt them later on. I still don't even think I have ever released my husband's name! He is known as Jensguy still on the blog :)

  6. Sounds fun and special! And you go, girl, with keeping it between you two!
    I share a lot, but of course not everything. I'm vague around politics, sex and other hot tickets. Obviously...such things happen on my life!

  7. Well, and that's as it should be. Since I'm older, I have ancient stories to share but still, a person has to edit even those deep space nine sort of things to protect people who just may not want to find themselves in them. You have a great blog, and I loved this post about sharing. Thanks for blogging!

  8. But I'm glad I wrote this post, because every time I see it I will remember that story and get a good chuckle again!

  9. True, but I always ask his permission first! Or maybe say it happened to a "friend!"

  10. That's very true, Kim. I don't think it's lying if you leave certain things out for the sake of privacy.

  11. I never came up with an creative names for anyone on my blog. Too late now, I guess!! :)

  12. I don't mess with those hot ticket items either. My mom is a regular blog reader, after all!

  13. Thanks Zippi! I'm a pretty open person, but I know not everyone is, so I try to watch what I say when it involves others.


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