Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ten on Tuesday: School Year Bucket List

I seem to be in a season of making bucket lists.  I like the name, because it sounds nicer than a "to do" list.  These are simply things I hope to be able to do over the course of time; in this case-the school year.  I made a similar list last year that we did pretty well with.  Today is the first day of school and I've already got a good start on at least five of these.

My goofballs, hamming it up for their picture!

  1. Take dinner to the kids' teachers at least once
  2. Go on as many field trips as possible
  3. Eat lunch with them (which will be difficult considering their lunchtimes are separated by an hour and a half!)
  4. Help in the classrooms
  5. Pray for their teachers and teach them to do so as well
  6. Make friends with their friends' parents
  7. Pray together each morning before school
  8. Eat breakfast at the table together
  9. Establish and keep good morning and evening routines
  10. Get involved with the new PTO


  1. Lists are great. This is a lovely one. I'm a big believer in family meal time - love that you included that. :)

  2. We never seem to be able to manage breakfast at the table together on school mornings. We are always rushing about, someone doing something. It would be nice, though.

  3. What a great idea and a great list! This year will be very different for us with my oldest starting middle school (which means she will start later than the younger two). I think I might wait a couple months to adjust to the new schedule, but maybe then I'll make a bucket list for school, too! :-)

  4. Great idea! I'm going to work on a list of my own.

  5. Rabia, I love this! I saw summer bucket lists flying around months ago and that was something I had never considered, and this is just as special. Your kids' teachers are going to love that dinner!

    1. I am loving my lists! Now I need to get in the habit of going back and updating them.


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