Friday, June 21, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Rhythm

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community...

Five minutes on rhythm...


Last week I was on vacation.  Two weeks ago the kids were still in school.  Next week I am working half days so I can help with Vacation Bible School.  My head is spinning a little at this point.  I can't find my rhythm with everything that is going on.

Summers are fun, but always a bit crazy.  Child care involves a series of different summer camps that all have different beginning and ending times.  Some weeks Frances and Henry are in the same camp, some weeks they are in different camps.  Some weeks different combinations of the kids are at my parents' house.

At work, I am working on revitalizing an equipment database.  My boss and I are both working on different parts. Sometimes I can't work on it because f something he is doing.  Sometimes we look at it together and have long philosophical discussions about how it should work.  And we talk in circles, because it is overwhelming and we can't find the rhythm in what we are trying to do.

I think I recognized, and put a name to this last night as I was driving home.  I feel out of sync. I know that I will find my rhythm again and get my groove back, but until then, I am just bumping through life; like a bumper car with no one at the wheel!



  1. Can we just title it 'The Summer Rhythm'?! This Momma is right there with you!

  2. Oh yes, it does get hairy at times! But hopefully you'll find a kind of rhythm in the madness. :)

  3. I am visiting via FMF...Thanks for sharing honestly about the struggle of being "out of sync." May you find, even in the midst of the summer busyness, a rhythm that feeds your sou and strengthens your family!

  4. Cannot even begin to tell you how much summer totally throws me off my game...I do not like feeling out of sync, so I definitely related to this one!-Ashley

  5. I'm with you on this one. We've got a new baby this year to add to our summer out-of-syncness! I wrote a very similar FMF Friday post about my lack of rhythm currently: Somehow, it helps a little to know we're kind of all feeling this way!

    I stopped by to let Frances know we'd love to hear her voice again soon at FMF Kids' Edition!
    Tina @ Desperate Homeschoolers

  6. Summer rhythm is definitely a challenge - it always takes me a bit adjust to the different days.

  7. It can be difficult to find the summer rhythm - especially when you are off schedule or the schedule changes with different summer camps. You did a great job with your 5 minutes, BTW!

  8. I understand. The schedule basically goes out the window during the summer.


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