Friday, March 27, 2015

A Much Needed Break

Five Minutes on "break" 


I complained about how long the month of February seems. It goes on forever in those 28 days! Then came March and when I blinked it was almost over!! 

This is the busy time for me in my job. We are getting near the end of the semester and the end of the academic year. My focus is on ending the year right, being ready for the summer, and preparing for next fall. 

Personally, I am trying to piece together summer plans for my kids while school is out and I'm still working. My head is also full of ballet recitals, First Communion preparation, Kindergarten registration, and two birthday parties in the next few months. 

I'm trying to get it all put into place so I can lift some of my own stress. And in a rare instance of perfect timing, my kids are on Spring Break next week. It's perfect because they get to visit my parents and that's good news for everyone! My parents are excited to spend some time with the kids. The kids are excited to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house (and Uncle Alan's house too). Ken and I are excited to get a break from rushed mornings, juggling events, and homework.

Instead, we get a week to ourselves. Relaxed mornings with no one to cart around. Calm evenings with no assignments, food battles, or papers to sign. Time for us!

Don't get me wrong: I love my kids and I'll miss them when they're gone. But I'm a better mom and a wife when I get a break every once in a while!


1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you; encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community...


  1. Thank you for sharing! So much of this echoes with what is going on in our lives as a family as well. Have a wonderful break.

  2. March is a busy month and it definitely went by fast here too!

  3. I wish grandma would take my kids when spring break starts for a week and a half next Thursday, too! ;)

  4. That sounds awesome about spring break! Ours is in late April and Cassidy will be in Brazil at that point so I'm lining up the grandmothers to sleep over and help with the kids. Then we'll do road trips.

  5. Yes, I do need a break from my kids or else I get cranky. I love them so much, but Natalie in particular tries my patience.

  6. You do have a lot on your plate and what perfect timing that you're getting a break from the kids this week! I hope you and Ken get some quality time together- and some quality Rabia time, too :)

  7. Oh my that will be a nice week for everyone! I felt so much calmer after our spring break, more able to deal with the craziness of the end of the year! Good luck as you head into you your own end of the school year craziness!

  8. Thank you Mandy. Break is going well so far, but I haven't called to check in on the kids! :)

  9. Well my mom's all booked! LOL! Sorry!

  10. I'd love a road trip. I want to see if we can swing one this summer. We don't have any vacation plans (or money!)

  11. I hear ya! individually, they are fine, but all three together fight so much that I need a break!

  12. I'm counting on it! I just have to make a really specific schedule so I can get everything done!!

  13. We all need a change of scenery right about now. And then we need some time to get outside and run around! Come on, warm weather!!

  14. Hi Rabia, we all need a break sometimes.I get mine early in the morning when everyone is still sound asleep (advantages of being an early bird!).

    It won't be long before the children here have finished for the summer. We are celebrating Easter this weekend and once the children go back they only have a couple of weeks before exams start and then they are finished...It's a mind numbing time.

    I hope manage to get everything sorted and ready and that the birthdays go a treat.


  15. I'm coming in to this week with my game face on! It's gonna be a whirlwind for the next few weeks, but I think I'm prepared mentally. :)


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